Stand by your stances?

Originally posted by Doc

The kneeling stances are for height adjustments and are not for lateral or linear offensive stability. It is a common mistake because it is easier than putting your heels properly down. With the heels up your strikes rely almost completely on momentum and lack the Bracing Angle present with a properly rooted stance. Therefore this heels up position fits well with competition reverse punches and lead hand techniques. This popular use of the heels up position is a testiment to how much sport qapplication has dictated and corrupted the use of basics.

The same could be argued about heel down stances. The forward bow is absolutely useless against a front kick from an angle or from an oncoming attack to the upper portion of the body, it just won't support the mass from those angles. I've demonstrated the use of stances and for what application and find the close/wide kneel stances are just as stable as the standard forward, neutral, or reverse, and that's using them laterally and linear and find no fault with them whatsoever when used correctly.

Have a great Kenpo day

It appears that this topic has been pretty well covered. Fom my own perspectice all I can say is the Stances have to work hand in hand with the Foot Maneuvres i.e step -drag, step through, cover step etc...
Actually Clyde, I think your statement is not comprehensive. I suspect this is one of those times when you and I will agree to disagree! (That's never happened before! :lol: )

In actuality, this whole discussion is based on use of the lower "Okinawan style" or traditional Chinese stances as opposed to what Kenpo has assumed to use as it's stances, currently.

I, personally mind you, see use for both stances that you are comparing. Neither stance will fare well against a kick coming from an angle. However, it stands to reason that the standard bow will fare better than a kneel stance. Reason being, again, my opinion only, that you are based better and more solidly in the bow and arrow stance than in the kneel stances. Simply, you have more "square foot" (pun intended) on the floor, and from a physiological point of view you are, over all, better balanced and rooted, as you naturally settle in a stance that your body perceives as better rooted.

The discussion that you are trying to invoke has been going on since long before it's biggest instigator, the late Bruce Lee. I don't think that it has ever been conclusively settled outside of any of the divergent opinions.

Having also run the gamut of both sides, I feel, personally, better off with use of the standard, traditional stances, but have on occasion, used the kneels in an offensive fashion. The one "advantage" of the wide kneel in an offensive or defensive role is that you have more "reach", than in the traditional stances. But once again, your whole base of power generation has changed, and you are giving up some important things to gain speed.

On the other hand, I could have missed the entire point of your post. In that case I take back everything I said and we don't have to disagree!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dan "what? Me misconstrue what Clyde said?" Farmer
Originally posted by Sigung86

On the other hand, I could have missed the entire point of your post. In that case I take back everything I said and we don't have to disagree!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dan "what? Me misconstrue what Clyde said?" Farmer

You're right Dan, I don't think we're on the same page on this one, so why don't you get the that Netmeeting thingy going so we can talk about it and maybe even demonstrate it, like I've been asking you to do for six months now LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

I surrendered on this freakin' compuker a month ago. Nothing gets the sound running again. I think I have to go back to ME to get it back, and it's really not worth all the heartache that comes with ME to do that EVIL thing! Especially now that I've upgraded my other hardware to be XP compliant.

Sorry Clyde ... You'll have to wait a while to hear the dulcet tones of my Ernest Borgnine-like voice. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

You're right Dan, I don't think we're on the same page on this one, so why don't you get the that Netmeeting thingy going so we can talk about it and maybe even demonstrate it, like I've been asking you to do for six months now LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by Sigung86

I surrendered on this freakin' compuker a month ago. Nothing gets the sound running again. I think I have to go back to ME to get it back, and it's really not worth all the heartache that comes with ME to do that EVIL thing! Especially now that I've upgraded my other hardware to be XP compliant.

XP was sooooo good on driver did not read the instructions that stated you had to sacrifice a chicken (a bucket of KFC should suffice) Throw salt over each shoulder and light a candle for bill gates to get xp drivers to work???
never trust a version of Windows that includes the emoticon for someone squinting their eyes and sticking their tongue out in the title. XP thpppppppttt!
Originally posted by Sigung86

I surrendered on this freakin' compuker a month ago. Nothing gets the sound running again. I think I have to go back to ME to get it back, and it's really not worth all the heartache that comes with ME to do that EVIL thing! Especially now that I've upgraded my other hardware to be XP compliant.

Sorry Clyde ... You'll have to wait a while to hear the dulcet tones of my Ernest Borgnine-like voice. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hey Dan, shoot me an email with your phone # and maybe I can talk you thru getting the sound back. Can't wait to hear tha Gorgnine voice teehee.

Have a great Kenpo day

I'm having similar problems with my computer...sound, video. If there is something that you know, I would appreciate any assistance. Win 2000 is such a stable environment, but I'm getting tired of the problems. Let me know.

Your friend,
Originally posted by Wes Idol

I'm having similar problems with my computer...sound, video. If there is something that you know, I would appreciate any assistance. Win 2000 is such a stable environment, but I'm getting tired of the problems. Let me know.

Your friend,

You know my phone # I 'm home big guy

Not a huge deal, but it sounds like you might be an advisor on a couple levels.......myself just gettin' hitched in June. Anyhow, I'm off to a meeting that could keep me tied up until 10:00. Please shoot me an email about what times at night I could ring you up when I'm at my home computer.

All this talk about netmeeting and such should be in that thread not in the stances thread. When I get a little time later I will move the last several posts there.

Sorry for any inconvience.

Rob Broad
Mt Moderator
Cool, wanted to watch Witchblade right now LOL, it's one of my favs I try not to miss and the computer is facing the TV YEEEEEHAAA:")

Originally posted by Sigung86

Actually Clyde, I think your statement is not comprehensive. I suspect this is one of those times when you and I will agree to disagree! (That's never happened before! :lol: )

In actuality, this whole discussion is based on use of the lower "Okinawan style" or traditional Chinese stances as opposed to what Kenpo has assumed to use as it's stances, currently.

I, personally mind you, see use for both stances that you are comparing. Neither stance will fare well against a kick coming from an angle. However, it stands to reason that the standard bow will fare better than a kneel stance. Reason being, again, my opinion only, that you are based better and more solidly in the bow and arrow stance than in the kneel stances. Simply, you have more "square foot" (pun intended) on the floor, and from a physiological point of view you are, over all, better balanced and rooted, as you naturally settle in a stance that your body perceives as better rooted.

The discussion that you are trying to invoke has been going on since long before it's biggest instigator, the late Bruce Lee. I don't think that it has ever been conclusively settled outside of any of the divergent opinions.

Having also run the gamut of both sides, I feel, personally, better off with use of the standard, traditional stances, but have on occasion, used the kneels in an offensive fashion. The one "advantage" of the wide kneel in an offensive or defensive role is that you have more "reach", than in the traditional stances. But once again, your whole base of power generation has changed, and you are giving up some important things to gain speed.

On the other hand, I could have missed the entire point of your post. In that case I take back everything I said and we don't have to disagree!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dan "what? Me misconstrue what Clyde said?" Farmer

The point is Mr. Farmer each stance is designed for a particular application, and the original question was with regard to punching and the "heels up" position. Extending a punch and having someone push on it while in a wide or close kneel will answer that question. Also any lateral pressure on those stances will yield and unbalanced posture. the stances are designed for offensive and defesive execution on a vertical plane.
Originally posted by Doc

The point is Mr. Farmer each stance is designed for a particular application, and the original question was with regard to punching and the "heels up" position. Extending a punch and having someone push on it while in a wide or close kneel will answer that question. Also any lateral pressure on those stances will yield and unbalanced posture. the stances are designed for offensive and defesive execution on a vertical plane.

