Sparring to win vs sparring to understand

@gpseymour , I know I am not always clear. And your question is absolutely legit. But I am 'working' on a voluntary basis and I go until I want, or can. I will try to communicate better on next posts, but I will not be stuck on that subject. There are many websites and books on the subject. I like (your) questioning, but not on that subject I already discussed 100's of times...
@gpseymour , I know I am not always clear. And your question is absolutely legit. But I am 'working' on a voluntary basis and I go until I want, or can. I will try to communicate better on next posts, but I will not be stuck on that subject. There are many websites and books on the subject. I like (your) questioning, but not on that subject I already discussed 100's of times...
Actually, you made a statement that doesn't make sense. If you intend to communicate anything, you should clarify your statement. My question is direct and clear - what did you mean by your statement? I cannot go somewhere and look up what you meant - only you can tell me that.
What bad consequences do you see him avoiding that place a limitation on him? And how will the potential victim recognize those limitations during the attack?

Fine we will go here.

This is easy. So for example someone sticks a knife in your face and asks for you wallet. He doesn't want to kill. So that becomes his limitation.

So instead of scratching his eyes out. Your defence becomes to give him your wallet.

Otherwise all i ever hear is rules in a street fight.

You cant kick guys in the head.
You camt go to the ground.
Apparently you can't even thai clinch.
Fights all occur at close range.
And so on.
Otherwise there are elements that are not technical that will win fights. Physicality, tenacity, fitness.

If you never spar to win. You will not explore and develop those elements within yourself.

The mental game of fighting a guy who really wants to beat you. If you want to explore that element of self defence where you are under stress and winning is important you have to include those elements in your training.

I turn it off and on as needed.

From the beginning, self-defence is a legal term. If it is not legal, it is not self-defence, in a strict sense. I know a lot of people use their own definition. But the rules of self-defence are written.

For instance, Self Defence: Legal Guidance: The Crown Prosecution Service . I did not verify the content, but the source must be trustable. It was just the first I found.

Ok, no rules from the side of the attacker. Anyway he will avoid bad consequences for him... So some limitations also for him.

In the future you may wish to define your terms. Without your premise, and definitions it is difficult to understand your point. With your premise and definitions it is much easier.
Legalities and rules are not necessarily the same thing. Nor is the concept of "Self Defense" necessarily a legal one particularly since the legalities may vary depending on jurisdiction.

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