Sparring tips


Yellow Belt
In November, I am entering the TAGB British Championships, i have been going over tactics and strategies with my instructor (which i have yet to see be used in many fights) and doing speed and power training.

Any tips or ideas to get a good idea of how the tournament will go, this is my first competition.

I watched a few TAGB sparring matches and personally a lot of the fighters are just s**t, i am on my green stripe and i can higher harder and faster than almost all of the blue and red belts i have seen. Is this because TAGB is McDojo or is this common.

Just so you know, my instructor put me in the adults class mainly because he won the same tourney when he was 16 in the adults class.

Putting aside my bragging, any suggestions or tips would really well appreciated.
Sounds like you'll do fine as is. Point sparring, especially at your level, is primarily an exercise in speed and aggression. Display both in your matches and you should win your share and more.
Advice from my good friend, a long time competitor, to one of his students going into their first competition. "If you are getting screw by the judge and aren't going to win, just laid the other guy out".
Remember Integrity and compassion for your competitors. Also judges are people as well and will make mistakes, so stay the course.
I was joking, btw. I do not encourage anyone to knock out an opponent. Nathan did say that, because he got kicked in the throat and the judge "didn't see it". The same judge tried to take over our school a few times and both Nathan and my father invited him to try and take it through force. The guy had trained with our instructors, he was pretty much not a good person, it fact the guy had been tossed out by both of our instructors before they left and told not to never show his face again.
Grandmaster's Rules Of Sparring:

#1. Do not block with your face.
#2. When in doubt, refer to rule #1.

Having said that, one of the better suggestions is to never block without countering. If all you do is block, your opponent will eventually score on you. Block and counter-attack immediately to break up his attack sequence. It'll ruin his whole day if you do.
In November, I am entering the TAGB British Championships, i have been going over tactics and strategies with my instructor (which i have yet to see be used in many fights) and doing speed and power training.

Any tips or ideas to get a good idea of how the tournament will go, this is my first competition.

I watched a few TAGB sparring matches and personally a lot of the fighters are just s**t, i am on my green stripe and i can higher harder and faster than almost all of the blue and red belts i have seen. Is this because TAGB is McDojo or is this common.

Just so you know, my instructor put me in the adults class mainly because he won the same tourney when he was 16 in the adults class.

Putting aside my bragging, any suggestions or tips would really well appreciated.
Never make an assumption about your opponent. Expect them to be every bit as skilled as you and then some, and to hit harder.

And, a friendly thought to consider... It's a lot harder on the inside of the ring than watching from the sidelines. Under pressure, you just may not be quite as impressive as you think that you are.
One thing I forgot always try to make good contact when striking your opponet. When the contact is off the scoree most likely will not be counted.
I watched a few TAGB sparring matches and personally a lot of the fighters are just s**t, i am on my green stripe and i can higher harder and faster than almost all of the blue and red belts i have seen. Is this because TAGB is McDojo or is this common.
Even if you can higher and harder and faster, that's just one piece of the puzzle. I'd bet on someone with good footwork and timing over a higher, harder, and faster every time.
I've had friends get robbed by their opponent smacking their chest or leg so that it sounds like they made contact. Be wary of those types.

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