Anything Interesting Happened In 1983?


With idle time on my hands, I am comparing various TKD syllabi available on the web. I came across this bit however and was curious if any big upheaval occurred around 1983 that caused the leading Brit TKD people to go independent?

Tae Kwon-Do was introduced into the United Kingdom during 1967, but owing to subsequent political differences arising in Korea, first two then several competing groups came into existence. A number of these were and are dominated by foreign nationals with financial and politcal interests in what they are doing. A group of the most senior British Tae Kwon-Do instructors eventually became so disillusioned with the situation that in 1983 they joined forces to form the Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain. The TAGB contains some of the world's top Tae Kwon-Do performers, with several World, European and British champions.
By 1983, many British leaders of TKD, these were ITF guys, were no longer happy or willing to follow Mr Rhee Ki Ha. They tried to make a deal directly with the ITF, but Gen Choi did not aloow it. So they went independent & formed the TAGB & later added an international arm to it as well. This was a big loss of membership for the ITF,as the UK was always solidly in their camp
Anything Interesting Happened In 1983?

Yes, I felt up my first cheerleader at a party in high school. Still makes me smile, thanks for the reminder.
Lets see 1983 yes I was living in California and enjoying all those beautiful ladys
Anything Interesting Happened In 1983?

Yes, I felt up my first cheerleader at a party in high school. Still makes me smile, thanks for the reminder.

Yuk! over here 'felt up' is an expression to describe what dirty old men do, it's not a nice phrase at all.
By 1983, many British leaders of TKD, these were ITF guys, were no longer happy or willing to follow Mr Rhee Ki Ha. They tried to make a deal directly with the ITF, but Gen Choi did not aloow it. So they went independent & formed the TAGB & later added an international arm to it as well. This was a big loss of membership for the ITF,as the UK was always solidly in their camp

Thanks. Exactly the information I was curious about.
Yuk! over here 'felt up' is an expression to describe what dirty old men do, it's not a nice phrase at all.

Sorry some things don`t make it across the pond 100% intact. That was just the common phrase when I was 16 all those years ago. There was nothing nasty going on and a nice time was had by both.
Sorry some things don`t make it across the pond 100% intact. That was just the common phrase when I was 16 all those years ago. There was nothing nasty going on and a nice time was had by both.

You were 16? Oh lord, I'd been married 8 years already in 1983. The phrase isn't a nice one here though, 'copped off with' would have been tad better lol!
Lets see 1983 yes I was living in California and enjoying all those beautiful ladys

Where were you training in California? I was living there too in the mid 80's, up north. Did you have your own school? Back in 1983, you already had 21 years of experience, so you might have been teaching already.

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