With idle time on my hands, I am comparing various TKD syllabi available on the web. I came across this bit however and was curious if any big upheaval occurred around 1983 that caused the leading Brit TKD people to go independent?
Tae Kwon-Do was introduced into the United Kingdom during 1967, but owing to subsequent political differences arising in Korea, first two then several competing groups came into existence. A number of these were and are dominated by foreign nationals with financial and politcal interests in what they are doing. A group of the most senior British Tae Kwon-Do instructors eventually became so disillusioned with the situation that in 1983 they joined forces to form the Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain. The TAGB contains some of the world's top Tae Kwon-Do performers, with several World, European and British champions.
Tae Kwon-Do was introduced into the United Kingdom during 1967, but owing to subsequent political differences arising in Korea, first two then several competing groups came into existence. A number of these were and are dominated by foreign nationals with financial and politcal interests in what they are doing. A group of the most senior British Tae Kwon-Do instructors eventually became so disillusioned with the situation that in 1983 they joined forces to form the Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain. The TAGB contains some of the world's top Tae Kwon-Do performers, with several World, European and British champions.