Sparring Techniques

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'll say it again. Join or be conquered.:rofl:

But............I'm kin!:(

Your cousin from down south!:(
Originally posted by RCastillo
But............I'm kin!:(

Your cousin from down south!:(

Doesn't matter. I don't claim to have a sister either.:eek:
We practice various drills for sparring. Blitz steps, lead leg blitz etc... also a multiple list of advancing techniques and counters. Theres a great book by Dan Anderson called I believe its american freestlye karate, that covers freestlye sparring techniques.
We do them in our schools, but not really in the way they are written in the Journals. I require my students to have them for testing, but I havce to admit we go in 'fits and starts', sometimes not touching them for weeks.

Us too Les.
We like them, and like to improvise with them. Currently we are working on grafting from them to SD-techs and from SD-techs into them. Nice way to mix it up.
Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John
Us too Les.
We like them, and like to improvise with them. Currently we are working on grafting from them to SD-techs and from SD-techs into them. Nice way to mix it up.
Your Brother


I see they are listed in the requirements for the International Test in March.

Last year Mr Mills said he would like to see more done with them :eek:

Hopefully I'll see you there.


Are you fully recovered and back to training?
Originally posted by Les
The freestyle techniques dont seem to be covered a great deal over here in Europe, but it does vary from school to school.

Too bad for Europe.

Originally posted by Les
We do them in our schools, but not really in the way they are written in the Journals. I require my students to have them for testing, but I havce to admit we go in 'fits and starts', sometimes not touching them for weeks.

All a matter of understanding. The are just "drills" to teach students some key basics to freestyle. These are NOT the only freestyle drills I use in my organization but they form a starting point from which to build.

Originally posted by Les
They are a great teaching/learning tool, for many of the Kenpo principles and concepts. Les

Of course, just as in all material. Even the techniques are just "EXAMPLES" to start with then build upon...... but you must realize what is there first and the reason for it's development before you understand the usefulness of the activity.

Yes Les I am recovering, but slowly.
I kinda hit a snag a few weeks back, has me limping a bit right now... until I get warmed up sufficiently... then you'd never guess it. Mostly working on strengthening exercises right now.
I am training daily and teaching about three days a week (2 hrs a class) but I wear my knee brace and don't go 110% like I'd like to. I should be ready to blaze a trail next Fall Vegas camp though. Hope to see some of my European brothers there!
(Even if yall do talk funny)
:eek: ;) :asian:
Your Brother
PS: Thanks for the concern!
your a good brother!!!