Sparring gear

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Shiny~!! *blinks* and scampers off to investigate~!


I'll keep kicking out the knee and kick em in the head once they're down :D Getting to old to fancy high kick ~!!

True. .Century is getting $$ by the order .. Parent's seeing their child's favorite color on gear..
I saw some 'cut out' form feet for teaching footwork..for a measly 50 bucks.. Gee I had that idea years ago~!!! *grumbles*
I never cared for head-gear; it cuts of my peripheral vision and it makes me sweat (more).

I wonder if it gives a false sense of security too? if I get hit and it hurts then I'm more likely to cover up the next time (assuming I recover). If I get hit and it doesn't hurt, I think it's okay to take a shot.
Ray said:
I never cared for head-gear; it cuts of my peripheral vision and it makes me sweat (more).

I wonder if it gives a false sense of security too? if I get hit and it hurts then I'm more likely to cover up the next time (assuming I recover). If I get hit and it doesn't hurt, I think it's okay to take a shot.
I don't know about a false sense of security. Even when wearing a helmet a spinning hook kick to the head really really hurts.
KenpoTess said:
Oh My Gawd.. I was just perusing through the New 2005 Century catalog... Bright Canary Yellow Sparring gear....

sure.. here's my head.. over here.. nope.. here.. Just hit me.. I may as well have a bulls eye painted on it.. and the gloves.. See my hand coming? How bout this foot......

Whatever happened to just plain black......
Flashy colors for flashy fighting :boing2:
The Kai said:
Century appears quite taken with glittery things

I saw the traditional strech Gi. Hopefully we will get the best of both worlds the ability to kick high with embarassing skin tight pants on...

Oh my gawd Sparring Speedo's. Can you say NASTAY! :whip:
crack me thoughts exactly when i saw the bright yellow gear...i also never understood the chest protectors with the big red or blue cirlce on them..(hit me here.) anyways back to the head gear....alot of tourneys are now requiring students who have braces to wear a sheild so as to not have to have blood issues. A fight will end if there is blood. Other than that...why woulf you WANT to have a guard?
I've seen both types of face protection used. My daughter used to use the Macho cage for awhile. The problem was when you moved your head the wire was distracting and caused her not to pick up her opponent's movements as quickly as when she didn't use the cage. Some people who wore it actually got a bit dizzy. I suppose it had to do with the cage crossing your field of vision with movement behind it. The clear plastic stuff works better in that regard. It does, however, have a fogging issue. The top ten face mask didn't appear to fog as badly and there are some sprays that work to reduce fogging as well.

In competition the face masks do become a bit of a disadvantage. Since they attach to your head gear they are considered part of the head gear and, in the circuits my kids and I compete in, it becomes legal to score a point to the mask when normally no face contact is allowed since it is legal to hit the head gear. These masks also stick out a few inches from your face so, in effect, you are closer to your opponent making it just a tad easier to get scored on. In my daughter's case she wore face protection for an entire tournament season (she got nailed a couple of times in the face and lost some confidence. The face mask helped her get back in the ring and gain back confidence) She eventually realized that quicker hands and footwork were much better than a face mask.

Don't we know? The flashy colors help the judges to see you score your points...LOL..! Honestly, it's just commercialization run amuck. They can base the existence of the gear on safety studies, but, when the stats are studied, more injuries occur with them, then without them. If you must use them open faced is the best, then comes the cage. I wouldn't use the shield, the fogging up? Sounds really dangerous, having your vision impaired, even a little, in a combat situation. By the way, does anyone remember little capes sewn on the back of gi's, how about shiny sparkles?
loun said:
I am a just starting to learn sparring and I was interested in purchasing head gear with protection for my face. There are 2 types I see available, a wire cage and a clear plastic shield. Has anyone used either of these 2 styles and what are the advantages of one vs. the other? thanks.
Hello Loun,

Sparring gear is a smart idea not only when learning but 30 years later too. I too have seen lots of machos breaking boards and bricks only to be barely able to move 20 years later.

Headgear is designed to protect your melon from uncontrolled partners. Macho makes headgear that has front attaching face cages. They are comfortable and don't obstruct your vision. As for the other gear hands and feet are as much for comfort as protection.

Protect yourself now and it will help you in the future too. The notion that if you have to use your training you won't be able to handle full contact if and when it comes just isn't true.
