Cleaning Sparring Gear


Green Belt
A friend of mine and I were discussing cleaning sparring gear (head gear,slip on gloves). I use a mixture of bleach and water on a soft wipe or paper towel to wipe the inside of the head gear. As for the slip on gloves, anti fungal powder. Anyone else have any products or suggestions?
You seem to have it covered, Harold. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is to use a mix of white vinegar and lemon juice to clean leather or plastic surfaces (a much nicer smell to have around your head than bleach :D).
Bleach can irritate the skin and so can many products. Just use good soap and water and you will have no worries. If there is a problem like ringworm in the dojo, you will probably hear about it before it is a problem. In any case, with soap and water your equipment will last longer.