Here's my videos, try to laugh too hard. I usually wear blue headgear, and I'm the fat guy.
Some background. I'm an Isshin-Ryu student. San-kyu (3rd degree brown belt). Been training 3-years. Perhaps another 2 to 3 years to go to sho-dan (1st degree black belt). I'm 50 years old. Our dojo doesn't really *do* tournaments or point-sparring. We used to - long before my time - but no one had gone for a long time when I started going to tournaments. So I'm kind of pulling dojomates along with me, trying to get them to join in the fun. Some like it, some don't. Most of us have day jobs and not a lot of spare time.
Early this year, I set a goal for myself for my 50th birthday (July). I wanted to compete at the Isshin-Ryu Hall of Fame Tournament in Chattanooga, TN. Since I had never competed, I decided to start competing at some local tournaments.
You may notice my first few tournaments, I am holding both hands up, as I was originally trained in the Marine Corps, years ago. However, I keep getting kicked in my belly. Later, you'll see I've adopted my stance so that I hold one arm lower, to cover my belly. Now I'm stopping kicks - blocking them or catching them pretty regularly. Sometimes my opponent still gets the point - it's hard for the judges to see that I've blocked the kick if I block it near my body and not out front. Sometimes I lose a point even if I catch a kick cleanly; but that's the way it goes. Judges can only call what they see.
Forgive the lower quality of the IHOF tournament; it was shot with a cell phone by a 10-year-old student at my dojo, who re-recorded it off his laptop and even titled it and set it to music - but it's a bit dizzying!
No video from my most recent bout - I could not get anyone from my dojo to go with me, so no one to hold the video camera. I consider my best bouts the ones from the IWKA tournament, even though I got hurt trying to block a front snap kick with an open hand (jammed all my fingers, they still hurt). It got a little violent; our matches were stopped because we were getting out of hand; the video opens with us being chewed out for rocking and rolling too much. I won third place when my opponent (a great guy, by the way) got DQ'd for another heavy hit - my ribs hurt for a month from that shot!
Now that I've reached my goal - to spar at age 50 in the IHOF tournament; I have a new goal; to not suck quite so much. I know I can carry my own water now. I know I can step into the ring with anybody; I'll lose, but I have the stones to take whatever they can give. Now I want to learn to win at this point-sparring game. I realize it's not karate, not real martial arts, and definitely not Isshin-Ryu, but I do enjoy it. I just want to do it better. So that's where I'm at.
First tournament ever; January, 2011
Second tournament, May, 2011
Third tournament, June, 2011
Fourth tournament, July, 2011
Fifth tournament, August, 2011
[no video]
Thanks for watching all that. Hope it wasn't too painful!