Sparring competition going south


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Have you noticed that sparring competition is heading to the grave yard? Their is less and less quality events, is this because of the economy or the way the sport is heading. Down the path of the unknown? I mean we have to travel an average of 1,000 miles to get more than a few hundred competitors, this to me is just plan and simple bad for us right now.
Personnaly, I stopped caring about competition when I saw an 8 year old start crying because he lost a match. I've gone to a tournament in about 4 years. Just saying....
Personnaly, I stopped caring about competition when I saw an 8 year old start crying because he lost a match.
Just an 8 year old. Wow! I have seen 14+ cry because they lose. That is par for the course.

But yes I think the economy has something to do with it. We have many at our school that are laid off and can't afford it at this time. They want to but just can't. We try to help some but cannot help all.
Just an 8 year old. Wow! I have seen 14+ cry because they lose. That is par for the course...

Just cry? I used to get mad and throw stuff, like my gear. Yeah I know. I had anger issues. I was always better than the person who I lost too (like i said before, the best don't always win). That would P!$$ me off to the point of no control. I was thrown out of my school on more than one occasion. Luckily I was always allowed back. Don't know how I would have ended up if he didnt let me back.
Just an 8 year old. Wow! I have seen 14+ cry because they lose. That is par for the course.

Just cry? I used to get mad and throw stuff, like my gear. Yeah I know. I had anger issues. I was always better than the person who I lost too (like i said before, the best don't always win). That would P!$$ me off to the point of no control. I was thrown out of my school on more than one occasion. Luckily I was always allowed back. Don't know how I would have ended up if he didnt let me back.

An 8 year old has no buisness in a tournament in the first place. And this kid was a yellow belt, from my understanding of TKD rank thats really low. The site of an 8 year old yellow belt at a tournament disgusted me. Watching him getting pounded by a kid a few years older then him, with a bit more rank was what made me decide I no longer wanted anything to do with tournaments. Him crying certainly help the matter.
Just cry? I used to get mad and throw stuff, like my gear. Yeah I know. I had anger issues. I was always better than the person who I lost too (like i said before, the best don't always win). That would P!$$ me off to the point of no control. I was thrown out of my school on more than one occasion. Luckily I was always allowed back. Don't know how I would have ended up if he didnt let me back.

Then how'd you lose if you were better. It doesn't really sound like you are atm, just full of yourself.