Southern Wu Style Taijiquan Questions

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I find I have become intrigued with Southern Wu style

  1. I have some questions about Southern Wu style Taijiquan
  2. Does Southern Wu talk about the 13 postures?

And what is the “9-Palace, Circular 9-Palace” training that I see listed here
Can't say I know much about Wu style. I met a guy who learned a Wu style form, but he hadn't gone any deeper than that. The form he showed me wasn't too far off of the 108 I practice.

When I was studying Ba Gua I was taught a footwork exercise called Nine Palaces that involved using a series of nine poles that you moved through while performing palm changes. I wonder if it's similar or related.
I came across an old book I had on Wu Style Taijiquan Gah Gee by Leung Shum. It is mostly pictures of postures but the first few pages are about taijiquan and I came across this

Among the most important and basic aspects of Tai Chi Chuan are the Eight Powers and the Five Internal and Five External positions,

The Eight Powers are: (1) Ward Off (2) Roll Back (3) Press (4) Push (5) Pull, (6) Split, (7) Elbowing, and (8) Shouldering

The Five Internals positions are: (1) Sticking, (2) Attaching, (3) Joining, (4) Following, and (5) Neither letting go nor resisting

The Five External positions are: (1) Step Forward, (2) Step Backward (3) Look Left, (4) Look Right, and (5) Stand Centered

And I was told by a person, on another forum, who had trained Wu that the 9-Palace is a qigong form

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