Xue Sheng
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3 Generations of Wu Taijiquan - blog
Wu Style Taijiquan

Wu Quanyou
Wu Style Taijiquan

Wu Quanyou
Wu was a military officer in the Yellow Banner camp in the Forbidden City, Beijing and also an officer of the Imperial Guards Brigade during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Yang Luchan (1799ā1872) was the martial arts instructor in that banner camp, teaching t'ai chi ch'uan. In the camp, there were many officers studying with Yang Luchan, but only three men, Wan Chun (č¬ę„), Ling Shan (åå±±) and Ch'uan Yu (å Øä½) studied diligently and trained hard enough at t'ai chi ch'uan to become disciples. However, they were unable to become Yang Luchan's disciples, because Yang Luchan taught t'ai chi ch'uan to two men of very high status in the military; they were Shi Shaonan and General Yue Guichen