Sorry for another question like this, but I need advice

I appreciate the help and input. I am going to go with a Krav Maga school for now. It seems very well rounded and pulls from various systems. The instructor staff is well experienced and has real life application that they can relate to. It was a tough choice for me between this school and a Jeet Kune Do/Wing Chun/Kali school. However, Krav seems less complex and I enjoy the school so far.

Eventually, I expect to add some Judo depending how things progress at the Krav school. I will continue to look at options in my area as I find them.

Thanks again, for everyone's input.
Bear in mind that hard (physical) skills are only one small piece of the cake that makes up effective self protection from non censeneual criminalviolence. You will also need to learn the soft (non physical skills) such as Threat Awareness & Evaluation, Target Hardening, Verbal De-escalation, The Fence, familiarising youself with The Rituals of Violence and many other things.

As you are in the U.S., I would recommend the following:-
Bear in mind that hard (physical) skills are only one small piece of the cake that makes up effective self protection from non censeneual criminalviolence. You will also need to learn the soft (non physical skills) such as Threat Awareness & Evaluation, Target Hardening, Verbal De-escalation, The Fence, familiarising youself with The Rituals of Violence and many other things.

As you are in the U.S., I would recommend the following:-

I highly recommend the fence. A really good book.
I have given away like 8 copies of that book by Geoff Thompson.

He is a working martial artist (bouncer) with a lot of physical encounters.

Here is some of the material from the book in video form.

The Fence - Geoff Thompson - Clip 1 - YouTube

The Fence - Geoff Thompson - Clip 2 - YouTube
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Dear original poster,
This question gets brought up a lot, in my opinion check out schools in your area that mesh well with what your ideal self defense is. Critique the applications being shown is it logical, could it be successfully done in a street application or doe it look like fluff?
Does the teacher blow smoke up your butt or does he seem to have a grasp of self defense. An art is only as good as the person teaching it, meaning as good as some reality based arts are, if the teacher teaching it isn't good then your will have difficulty acquiring the skill set needed in self defense.

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