Soooo Hong Kong....


Purple Belt
Supporting Member
Well I am in Hong Kong...

Good and bad news really.

The good news is I am staying in the building that Sam lau teaches WC in, am 5 mins away from Wan Kam Leungs class and across the road from another school.

The bad news is the day before we flew in from bangkok, I felt like I had been stabbed under the ribcage and through to my back. I nearly didnt make the flight but dropped some painkillers and went anyway as its only 2 hours.
So spent 6 hours at the Hospital in HK, xrays etc and lots of waiting around to be told "No Wing Chun for at least 4 weeks" by the Doc. This on my first day.

So I am doing the touristy stuff and have also had to put off Kung Fu school in China for a few weeks too. Mrs Bully has said we can try and get back to HK on this trip if we can as she can see how frustrated I am.

On a more positive note, I went and paid my respects to Ip Man at his grave today. Not being a religious person, previous visitors had left incense sticks and a lighter so I lit 2 and then performed SLT as it was all I could think of to do that was relevant. Good job no locals were around as they would have thought...another Gwai lo doing bad Wing Chun on a grave!!!

HK itself is a great place and I would recommend anyone to come here, food is great and tranport around here is excellent. Lots to do and see and people are very friendly and helpful.
One thing is a lack of Martial arts shops (in Kowloon) only found 2 and neither were that great.
Gong to the park tomorrow to watch the Kung Fu show, shoudl be interesting. We go to Foshan on Tuesday and again no training for me


I am really sorry that the health problem prevented you from getting some good wing chun instruction in HK

joy chaudhuri
Ouch, sorry to hear about that man, I'm not so sure I'd be handling it as well as you seem to be. Good for you! make a swift recovery!
Its not the end of the world, I always think there are far worse people off than me. Gotta put things in perspective:)
Forgot to put thats its a torn/inflammed intercostal, not life and death but stops me training.

As I have a bit of time, I watched Ip Man a legend is born, started off OK then turned into a ridicuous farce with ninjas and allsorts. Actually thought it was funny after a while. I would give it 3/10 for a WC film but say watch it anyway as it was hilarious but wasnt supposed to be!!
Sorry to hear your not well mate, I know you were really looking forward to your wing chun training. I'm gutted for you pal.
Looks like it was a good idea to stop by and do some training with me eh? Your welcome back anytime bud.
say hello to the missus for me.

That is extremely lame to go all that way and end up hurting, I hope your recovery is swift and complete.

Just a side note, when burning incense it's considered proper only to do it in odd numbers. I still think its awesome that you did that to pay respects though.

Take Care,
Thanks Eric, I didn't know that either.
Yeah it is a bit of a pain but I am feeling a bit better now. Off to Foshan tomorrow and will go to WC Museam and Ip man tong. Again no training but as I am hitting WC school for a month I will probably be glad of it in some ways lol ;-)