Something strange!.....

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This one?

Thats hysterical

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
Originally posted by Judo-kid
You miss understand, this only happens if i already feel threaten inside and i am in a unsure envoment, I am not saying if you jumped around me i would hit you infact i wouldnt do anything, But when i become worried or am really zoned out its like auto attack or somthing. Its like if you jump at me from around the corner and i am really not expecting it you might get a punch then me yelling what the heck.

I suspect you're one of those secret death ninjas.
Hehehe funny stuff. I supose its like i replaced flenching a natural deterent to a attack to a attack or shall we say aprohensive attack. Hey its just me and i dont go hitting my friends every time they come up and jump at me . But like a stranger or somthing. i also usally after a nice counter jump back. But like i said i have only hit one or two guys who i know and where masking there faces and jumped at me . other then that i am able to stop my self befor inpact is made. O yeah and now i have to silence GouRonin because he knows to much about the secret Nijia club which only people that belong to squer dancing can hold. O no know you know and i am coming for you. LOOOK BEHIND YOU <WACK. jk:D
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Hehehe funny stuff. I supose its like i replaced flenching a natural deterent to a attack to a attack or shall we say aprohensive attack. Hey its just me and i dont go hitting my friends every time they come up and jump at me . But like a stranger or somthing. i also usally after a nice counter jump back. But like i said i have only hit one or two guys who i know and where masking there faces and jumped at me . other then that i am able to stop my self befor inpact is made. O yeah and now i have to silence GouRonin because he knows to much about the secret Nijia club which only people that belong to squer dancing can hold. O no know you know and i am coming for you. LOOOK BEHIND YOU <WACK. jk:D

Actually, by the time I actually figured out what the hell you said in this post you COULD have clobbered me.

Seriously, spend some time going over your post before you post it. That way we can understand what the hell you mean. Otherwise I will have to assume that the school you go to is for retarded Judoka.
Originally posted by adrenaline

Like yesterday something really strange happened to me, one guy was confronting me and I was listening to what he had to say and he moved slightly to the side and towards me, and I immediately hit him in the neck not hard enought to cause injury but enough for him to say, 'that hurt.' I didn't even think about it once, it just happened. I only realised like half an hour afterwards what had happened. I kind of questioned myself.

Can anyone else relate to this?...

People that are trained properly can distinguish a REAL threat from an imagined one.
Sounds like you need to adjust your training.
People that are trained properly can distinguish a REAL threat from an imagined one.
Now that`s the truth, simple and plain. Walking around like you on autofire,,,that`s gonna come right back at you!
The guy who did confront me was asking for my mobile phone and we stepped forward I thought he was going to hit me because I had refused to give me my mobile phone.
You should have hit him sooner and harder then.

You are certainly not a whacko for doing what you did.

Next time tell everybody the full details, and they're less likely to rib you.
Maybe you should have given the full details at the begining, but still if you are saying that someone asked for your mobile phone, you were scared that he was goign to hit you so you hit him first, then you still did the wrong thing. Why not just walk away? If you thought he was going to hit you, then you started the fight and would be responsible if anyone got in trouble for it.

It's easy to say just walk away, but sometimes it is futile. If the guy is making a sudden move on you then it may be too late to run away. It may be immediately clear you're going to be outrun.

Besides, when you have time to think it's easy to see what you could have done.

Thinking about hitting someone, or hitting them out of anger is wrong, but sometimes you react to aggresion for the better or worse. Learning to understand and control those reactions is an important part of martial arts.

It's important to understand your own morals, and try to make yourself morally pure, but backing down or running away is not necessarily more moral.

It seems from what adrenaline is saying that what he did was not caused by malice and caused no harm. I would say this is a good thing, and that as long as this was the case there is no need to be frightened of your reaction, just try to understand it.

The Taoists teach that you should act without thinking at the time, but always correctly, which involves thinking before hand. It is what I am aiming for, and it is a worthy pursuit.
Originally posted by Bod

It's easy to say just walk away, but sometimes it is futile. If the guy is making a sudden move on you then it may be too late to run away. It may be immediately clear you're going to be outrun.

Besides, when you have time to think it's easy to see what you could have done.
That is a good point, however, what if the guy was only wanting to barrow his phone to make an emergency call, he hits the guy goes off and someone involved in the emergency was injured worse? What if the guy was asking to barrow it, he hits the guy and the guy gets mad, pulls out a gun and bam, settles it? I know these are streching the situation quite a bit, but don't be fooled by thinking it doesn't happen.
I think walking away is the moral right here, now we weren't there so we are only taking an acount from reading, but still, why hit the guy if he has shown no aggression? If he hit him and a fight started, he would have started it still the same.
I hope I haven't offended, just trying to get some discussion going.

I'm certainly not offended.

We all have tomake our assumptions, and it is not wrong to make suggestions that you see moral.

Besides there are much harder situations to deal with than this.

For instance: When is it correct to get involved in 'someone elses fight'? To what extent? and so forth.

To fight or not to fight, and how much to fight are serious questions for the martial artist. If these questions are not discussed you tend to get a polarisation between the 'get stomped on as oftenas possible' versus the 'use a rocket launcher on everyone who might be thinking of looking at you funny' camps.

Forums are a great place to thrash this question out.
Originally posted by Bod

I'm certainly not offended.

We all have tomake our assumptions, and it is not wrong to make suggestions that you see moral.

Besides there are much harder situations to deal with than this.

For instance: When is it correct to get involved in 'someone elses fight'? To what extent? and so forth.
Man isn't that the truth!! If there were only easy answers to these questions!! I'm going to go ponder now!:D
