PossibilitiesÂ… 2010

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I did not really know where to put this, I started in the general MA section but it is really not so much about MA as it is for me to put something down in writing to see what I think, get some feed back and to give me some place to look for motivation that it appears I need of late when I think it would be better to take a break. Believe me, pushing 50, it would be sooooooo much easier to sit down in the recliner and watch DVDs…. Of course it is that recliner/DVD thing, which I have HAD to do so much over the last 6 months, that is driving me completely insane.

I have been unable to train like I like to for about a year and a half now, due to injuries, and for the last 6 months I have not been able to train at all. So now I find myself feeling very old, stiff and WAAAAAY out of shape and I need to work my way back to where I want to be, which was much easier in my 20s and 30s than it seems to be in my 40s. Thinking about my past it would seem that I get seriously injured about once a decade; hurt my back in my 20s, a tree fell on me in my 30s, and now a broken heel followed immediately by a torn meniscus.... damn I have GOT to be more careful... I have also learned that you just can't trust a tree :D Also I want to add that the Instinctive Edge blog of Brian R. VanCise has been very helpful of late at getting me and keeping me motivated… thanks Brian :asian:

However I have recently found that I can start doing some of the less strenuous yoga postures and I have been doing those and I can do the first 3rd of the Yang Long form, but the stance is incredibly high, as well as doing something similar to Chen Chan Su Jin but using Yang style postures instead. Also I can work on my Total Gym (just trying to stay on Chuck's good side :D). Other than that I have been looking around my area for the more hidden, harder to find Martial arts schools and I have found a few, some I may have already mentioned on MT.

I found an Escrima school, a real live Shaolin Kung Fu (possibly out of Chin Woo), another Wing Chun School (Ip Man Lineage, 3rd generation) and a Legitimate Yiquan guy (3rd or 4th generation Wang Xiangzhai), another Yang Taiji school, a real live boxing and kick boxing gym, and 2 JKD schools (one Jerry Poteet lineage the other Dan Inosanto lineage). I also found a style of Yoga that is being taught rather near my new house that interests me as well… but this is an MA sight not a yoga site. Oh and I found a real live Wudang Daoist in Boston.. ok not in my area but I may go take a look.

I also have discovered, much to my disappointment, that there are no legitimate Xingyiquan teachers (that or they are just better at staying under the radar). A new Chen Taiji school, I had such high hopes for, appears to be going the way of my first Sifu. And my first Sifu is still making more money than just about any other Martial Arts school in the area with the possible exception of the largest martial arts school I have ever seen that is a TKD school chain that sells belts.

To the possibilities, they are mostly for the summer by the way; I am checking out the Wing Chun school tonight and I might check out the Escrima school at some point and I am most definitely going to check out the Shaolin school and I already have talked with the Yiquan guy and sometime this summer we are meeting up and workout a bit. I have also meant up with my Sanda Sifu again and started a bit of fence mending so who knows maybe I will get back to that again, if I do I will not be talking much about it here on MT, I also discovered that WAS part of the problem in the first place… a small part, but still it did not help.

But my main focus, once the knee and my doctor allows, is getting back to very serious training with my Taiji Sifu. After much thought I came to the conclusion that although I thought I was serious before and he did tell me I was his last serious student, I was not serious enough, so I will be getting very serious about my taiji and eventually I will start teaching again, possibly late this year of early next year.

As for the others, who knows, they do interest me, and it is likely I will check them all out and maybe take a class or two, if the knee and my doctor allows (he is an MAist to by the way) and see where that leads me, if anywhere. OK, to be 100% honest I am hoping the guy that might be from Chin woo also knows Xingyiquan…only time will tell.
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You never really lose the drive and eventually the body heals. Keep at it, braddah, and eventually a journey of 10,000 steps reaches your destination.
I am feeling a bit like a kid in a candy store here and since CMA schools are rare in my area I am rather amazed at the possibilities. But sadly the Xingyiquan is not an established school, it is a seminar series. But it is Xingyiquan so I'm going.

So far, as long as my knee agrees, I should be checking out the following this summer

Wing Chun
Northern Shaolin

And of course my return to training Yang Taijiquan

As I do I shall post

Xingyiquan: I have decided to let go due to the complete lack of a sifu

Wing Chun: I actually went to a couple of classes at a new Wing Chun school and although I was rather impressed, after much thought, I decided it was time to let Wing Chun go as well.

Northern Shaolin; I checked out the school and the sifu was not out of Chin Woo but he was good. However it is not a style for me either

Sanshou/Sanda: I started training some of the drills on my own again and there is a slight possibility that my sifu will start teaching me again but if he does not it is no big deal

Yiquan: I have not acted on this as of yet and I may not

There are also three other schools, actually it is two school one has both classes in two different styles, I want to check out but they are not CMA and I have not yet been able to find the time to get there.

I am however back training Taiji with my sifu and it feels real good.
Sounds great Xue with lots and lots of possibilities for you in the near future! Get better, get in shape and then you can train like you want to! ;)