some disturbing Terror news

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Crawford
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flatlander said:
Did you really not find the behaviour particularly suspicious Mike? Provided the woman's account was accurate, I sure did.
I do not accept the woman's account as to what happened.

I have been on enough airplanes in the past 5 years to know that you can not possibly watch 13 different people during a flight. It is completely unrealistic. Sure, you may share a smile with a passenger while boarding, and then look to see where they are, but during the flight, I find it highly unlikely that one person could so clearly witness the described activities.

More likely, I smell bad journalism; ala 'Jason Blair'. Someone read a news report about 'Terrorists attempting to assemble a bomb mid-flight', and worked backwards to create a ficticious story about it.

The story stinks to high-heaven. It is about breeding a culture of fear. I see it as part of the campaign to re-elect George Bush.

Further, I think the next strike that a terrorist organization launches on US Soil, is not going to be on airplanes. The modus operandi of al Qaeda is to strike where we are not looking; African Embassies - Saudi foreign residences - Naval bases - Malaysia. We are looking (we think) carefully at air travel now. We are also looking closely at the political conventions, harbors and ports, powerplants, and most major big cities.

Come on folks ... put on your boloney detectors ...

Gary Crawford said:
What does Pat Robertson have to do with this?also I noticed you mentioned Bush before,he isn't even part of the discusion.we are talking about possible terrorists,not politics!
Mark said "Terrorist from any Faith".
I see Pat Robertson as a terrorist.
Pat Robertson as part of the discussion because of Terrorism.

I mention George Bush because he is a self-proclaimed 'War President'. If we are in a state of War, we all need to be afraid. Stories like this are designed to breed fear in the populace, allowing for more centralized, martial-like control over the citizenry.

Sincerely, Mike
well,there was never any reason to bring your political beliefs into this.I am doing my best not to be arguementative,and if I seem to be,I apologize.This was ment to be a discussion about national security.I am concerned for the lives that could be lost if it does happen.
In this current state of affairs we call Earth. There will and are people that will not react unless it is happening directly to them or hopefully not to a loved one.

I wonder if these people would be reacting differently if they lost a friend or a loved one in a Terrorist incident. I for one did at 9/11 a distant realitive by the name Weiser was killed at the Twin Towers site and I for one will do whatever is in my power that the Creator has given me to make sure that I and my family are safe and have faith in this Creator that this Creator knows best.

You can call me nuts lol or delusional but I will be an old man that is delusional or nutty lol.

Mark E. Weiser
I am not an American, but I would be worried if I saw this happening in a plane that I was on. I lost 2 friends in the attacks of 9/11, and ever since I pay more attention to my surroundings. There have been warnings sent the US about more attacks, this in itself is enough reason to step up secuirty. Whether or not you agree with Bush or not, or whether you are pro-war in Iraq or against it, it does not matter, there are attacks targeted at those embracing freedom. They hate everyone who embraces freedom.
Thank You Rob,I don't think the radical muslum's care what we believe either religiously or politicaly.I don't think they would be satisfied if the whole world became Muslums either.
Very nicely written piece of propaganda in my mind.

I have flown around the world since 9/11 and from what I have seen Detroit has some of the best security around. They have really good controlled check points, aka Choke points, that are hard to get by. If you even look questionable you end up on the physical inspection line. Detroit has one of the highest populations of Middle Easterns outside of the Middle East. The Metal detectors were set so that shoes would set off the alarm so you had to go through a personal wanding and pat down. To get through, I had to take off my shoes and belt and empty my pockets and have everything x-rayed, and inspected as I gathered it together on the other side of the x-ray machine. Once you are by these check points you are free to move around.

So, is the problem that you could get onto a plane in Nashville TN and get no inspection or little inspection and then fly to Detroit? Maybe. So, all the paragraphs about no one checkng anaything, it was all done at the inspections / choke / check points. This is a clear case of people getting upset. Including the guy in the Yellow T-Shirt who was not looking well. Maybe he was scared as well by the others actions?

As to the moving around and no one telling them anything, this would have been because of some recent policy change or the Air Marshalls. I ahve been on planes that stopped their run way taxing because people rose to go to he bathroom. I was even on one that did a fly around until all were seated and the crew were seated as well. Either this crew was totally new or something or someone other than them had given them direction. As to the guy in First Class, they could have moved him. How do I know. They have moved me from such a seat when some raised a concern. I just smiled and exchanged with someone to get a nice window seat. A seat I would have preferred anyways. Yet, being a large male of unknown background and heritage (* US for 400+ years including some Native American Indian 6 or 7 generations ago *), wearing no jewelry and not drinking alcohol, and traveling alone, I have gone through many additional checks, and inspections by he crew(s), ticket agents, metal detectors. If these guys got half the inspections I get, then the most dangerous thing they could have had was an actual McDonalds Burger (* in my mind this is an agent of Biological warfar ;) *), or a Pen.

Yes it could be a dry run. Yes it could be prayer time as mentioned by some. Yes it could be a lot of things. What makes the blonde guy less likely to blow the plane up? Sorry, just ask Paul J, about us crossing from Cananda to the US. It was one of my easier crossings, My Blue eyes was with me, and yet I was still treated like a leper, and not a US born Citizen.

I mean I could be rude adn tell you all to "Go Home White Man". Yet, I do not think that woudl solve anything, and would only antagonize people.

Yes Security can always be better. How much are you willing to pay for it? How much time are you willing to give up to quarentee that it works. How about this, everyone flying now must spend 36 hours in the airport at the cost of the traveler. This would guarentee that theri system would be empty and nothing they had taken could not come out with out inspection. All bathroom trips would be with an offical inspector, and you would nto be alone at anytime. How much is it worth to you?

Sorry for the Rant. My Opinion has no more weight nor any less than that of teh author of the article in question.
The problem again is this is not USA vs Arabs. This is a Christian vs Muslim conflict if you look at terrorist training tapes that have been released look at what is painted on the torso's of the targets in rooms that are being used in terrorism camps. It is a Big Red Cross center mass.
Is that a cross for Christians, or simply a target? I don't think Muslims hate Christians. If there are extremist religious groups out there (nice point, Mike, with the Robertson quote - if he were a Muslim people would have been all over him about that), they don't usually just hate one other group - it's about them versus everyone else - or about our entire nation (which, although evangelical Protestant sects seem to be very vocal in our nation, is actually composed of many many faiths) which represents something evil to them.
Rich Parsons said:
Sorry for the Rant. My Opinion has no more weight nor any less than that of teh author of the article in question.
No way, Rich. We know you well enough to lend considerable credibility to your opinion. Just look at your reputation! You have much to be proud of.
There again much misinformation has been given to us by the media. There is nothing new under the sun in the course of Human Events. Muslims have always disliked or even hated Christian Agencies such as Government aka Kings and Presidents and our way of life.

The same holds true for Christians disliking Muslims way of thinking and way of life. This conflict has been going on for 1000's of years.
:) I'm a Christian and I don't hate Muslims. I have Muslim friends. My faith tells me to love everyone, no matter who they are or even how they treat me. (That's the hard part!)
Mark Weiser said:
There again much misinformation has been given to us by the media. There is nothing new under the sun in the course of Human Events. Muslims have always disliked or even hated Christian Agencies such as Government aka Kings and Presidents and our way of life.

The same holds true for Christians disliking Muslims way of thinking and way of life. This conflict has been going on for 1000's of years.

Yes, when A bunch of Christians decided to go on a Crusade and regain the Holy Lands back for Christianity.

Not realizing that that the Islamic culture had repserved much of the education and knowledge lost by the Western Society, and was part of the cause of the Renaissance?

Oh well.
If I had been on this flight I would have definately been concerned due to the odd behavior these men were exhibiting. As far as the security measures go, I don't particularly care if we appear to be profiling these people. *news flash* profiling is a big part of any law-enforcent/national security operation. The perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were middle-eastern; therefore, middle-easterners will be the ones that come under the closest scrutiny...sounds logical to me. If the attacks had been committed by the IRA then we would have to be on the lookout for white Irish-Catholic guys (and gals). But Nooooo, we can't run the risk of offending anyone. Yeah, it would stink for every person of middle-eastern descent to be stopped and checked, I wouldn't want to go through it, but how badly to we want to prevent further attacks. I can tell you right now that airport security procedures as they exist today suck! I flew just this past weekend and could have easily gotten on the plane with weapons that would have been better than a box-cutter. When I went through the checkpoint there were several middle-eastern men in their 20's ahead of me that were passed through w/o a second glance but the security-personel decided to stop a gentleman who looked to be about 80 who was wearing a US army ball-cap...yeah he looked like a terrorist.

On the subject of Muslim/Islamic fundamentalist philosophy take a look at this. article

I thought it was interesting and thought provoking although I'd have to do some more research before I'll accept it (as you should do with anything you hear;))

Okay, I'll stop my rant now. :)
one thing that always stands out to me, is the fact that the originator of the muslim faith was, by his own actions, a military leader. i am a non-theist, by the way.
:) The Apostles thought Jesus was going to topple the Roman Empire, too.

I think that we all have these dark desires/drives to conquer, and fall easily into demonizing other groups. I think we have to work hard at not doing those things, to act wisely. Wisely does not mean walking foolishly into harm's way, but being careful.
Feisty Mouse said:
:) The Apostles thought Jesus was going to topple the Roman Empire, too.

I think that we all have these dark desires/drives to conquer, and fall easily into demonizing other groups. I think we have to work hard at not doing those things, to act wisely. Wisely does not mean walking foolishly into harm's way, but being careful.
I was speaking strictly from a religious studies POV. I think all religions are great. They are all good reading, just nothing I chose to subscribe to.

(OK, this is now a thread gank)

Have you read A Brief History of God? A religious studies major I know recommended it very highly - I haven't read it yet, but want to.

ETA: sorry for the thread gank.
Feisty Mouse said:
(OK, this is now a thread gank)

Have you read A Brief History of God? A religious studies major I know recommended it very highly - I haven't read it yet, but want to.

ETA: sorry for the thread gank.
I've read some michael malloy, joseph campbell, mircea eliade (sp?) and, sheeh, what's-his-name huston. . .I think huston smith. oh, but o answer your question, no.

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