Very nicely written piece of propaganda in my mind.
I have flown around the world since 9/11 and from what I have seen Detroit has some of the best security around. They have really good controlled check points, aka Choke points, that are hard to get by. If you even look questionable you end up on the physical inspection line. Detroit has one of the highest populations of Middle Easterns outside of the Middle East. The Metal detectors were set so that shoes would set off the alarm so you had to go through a personal wanding and pat down. To get through, I had to take off my shoes and belt and empty my pockets and have everything x-rayed, and inspected as I gathered it together on the other side of the x-ray machine. Once you are by these check points you are free to move around.
So, is the problem that you could get onto a plane in Nashville TN and get no inspection or little inspection and then fly to Detroit? Maybe. So, all the paragraphs about no one checkng anaything, it was all done at the inspections / choke / check points. This is a clear case of people getting upset. Including the guy in the Yellow T-Shirt who was not looking well. Maybe he was scared as well by the others actions?
As to the moving around and no one telling them anything, this would have been because of some recent policy change or the Air Marshalls. I ahve been on planes that stopped their run way taxing because people rose to go to he bathroom. I was even on one that did a fly around until all were seated and the crew were seated as well. Either this crew was totally new or something or someone other than them had given them direction. As to the guy in First Class, they could have moved him. How do I know. They have moved me from such a seat when some raised a concern. I just smiled and exchanged with someone to get a nice window seat. A seat I would have preferred anyways. Yet, being a large male of unknown background and heritage (* US for 400+ years including some Native American Indian 6 or 7 generations ago *), wearing no jewelry and not drinking alcohol, and traveling alone, I have gone through many additional checks, and inspections by he crew(s), ticket agents, metal detectors. If these guys got half the inspections I get, then the most dangerous thing they could have had was an actual McDonalds Burger (* in my mind this is an agent of Biological warfar

*), or a Pen.
Yes it could be a dry run. Yes it could be prayer time as mentioned by some. Yes it could be a lot of things. What makes the blonde guy less likely to blow the plane up? Sorry, just ask Paul J, about us crossing from Cananda to the US. It was one of my easier crossings, My Blue eyes was with me, and yet I was still treated like a leper, and not a US born Citizen.
I mean I could be rude adn tell you all to "Go Home White Man". Yet, I do not think that woudl solve anything, and would only antagonize people.
Yes Security can always be better. How much are you willing to pay for it? How much time are you willing to give up to quarentee that it works. How about this, everyone flying now must spend 36 hours in the airport at the cost of the traveler. This would guarentee that theri system would be empty and nothing they had taken could not come out with out inspection. All bathroom trips would be with an offical inspector, and you would nto be alone at anytime. How much is it worth to you?
Sorry for the Rant. My Opinion has no more weight nor any less than that of teh author of the article in question.