No we aren't blaming the US for what going on, it just seems Bill wants to wipe everyone out who doesn't think the way he does, just sounding out exactly how many people he wants to do away with so don't go getting all defensive.
Don't worry we are paying in full in this country for the many wrongs we have done around the world don't you worry.
I'm not sure who all these people are that clamour for the US to be doing things, it certainly doesn't happen here nor I'll add in Europe, frankly the EU isn't, they want America out of the way so they can empire build. I'm not sure Africa is calling on America either, perhaps your government is saying th the world calls on it?

Who you calling defensive, :tantrum:Im not defensive, and I will defend my stance on the too
Actually I do believe Bill, like many, over simplify exactly what terrorism is, means and how it is organized and funded. Lord knows I use to but after a few courses (damn higher education

) and a state in-service or two (damn those bastards for keeping me informed)
. And many dont even realize that there is still as domestic terrorism issue in the states as well so over simplifying a global issue as it applies to terrorism doesnt surprise me in the least.
And I am not defensive actually, just tired with the world in general these days and its propensity for high levels of violent stupidity based on miss understanding and arrogance. Actually the planet would not be such a bad place if it werent for all the people.
My main point is here that Britain is actually guilty of some of the things you have thrown towards the US in your discussion with Bill. Did the US or some of its citizens do what you say they did? Yup. Does Britain have its share of folks doing the same stuff? Yup. Are Britain, France and Russia absolved from all guilt in the Middle East and terrorism now that the US is there messing things up? No, history says otherwise as it does in the case of the IRA and the British government as well (admittedly the Kennedys are not helping things). And the EU is not the world by the way; its the EU and has its own agenda but there are parts that are not all too happy about us pulling out of the whole missile shield thing and if we put up the shield we are evil, militaristic, controlling, sticking our nose where it doesnt belong and flexing muscles and if we dont we are abandoning our allies to the possible evils of Russia and its nuclear and military might.
Do I agree with what Bill is stating as a solution? No, things are way too complicated, as you have shown in your example of the Kennedy family. Terrorist organizations are incredibly complicated to the point were a terrorist cell could be entirely unaware that there is a terrorist cell of the same group just down the street and as for funding who the hell knows who all the people are. So knowing exactly who is aiding and abetting a terrorist organization is next to impossible so unless you are willing to shoot every single person you see then that solution is simply not going to work and it is more than just a little silly. And of course I have not even got into exactly what a terrorist is defined as, go ahead find two major groups in military or law enforcement that agree on a definition, I dare you
As to clamoring, I never said clamoring I said there are those that want us to fix there problems and they are not all terrorist issues, they are medical, monetary, military and there are those that do not want us to do anything as well and there are those that want us to do what they NEED us to do. And in some (not all and most certainly there is no loud conflagration) we are damned if we do and damned if we dont. What happens if we pull our military out of every place it currently is, globally? What happens if we stop all sorts of humanitarian aid, globally? what happens if we stop spending our dwindling US dollar globally on everything from Tourism to goods and service? Just where do you think all these people will turn next to look for help since we stopped? And do you actually want Japan to have a free reign military again? And what happens between China and Taiwan? What actually would occur in the Middle East? How about Korea? And would Africa be better off or worse off if we stopped absolutely everything we do there? South America anyone, they have terrorists and drug cartels we fight from time to time, does the EU want to handle that one?
Basically we are not all bad, or at least we are no worse than any other world power, we are just a whole lot younger.
So examples to show Bill the error of his ways works for me but while youre throwing in lists of Americans that aide terrorist why not give equal credit to those that are doing the same thing in the British isles. And if youre going to throw in the history of the US supporting the Taliban (and it did) then you might want to mention the bits about who started this mess in the first place by promising the same land to at least 3 different groups.
And you are absolutely correct we can't absolve your country from the part it played, but then neither can you about yours.
But to be honest I am way to far into the study at the moment than I want to be ... I would much rather go to the nearest pub for a good beer :drinkbeerand forget all this nonsense and if it helps Tez, I'll buy
So there would be no problem or complaints if we became isolationist again? I'm down with that!
Sure there would, we be poor broke and destitute when all those countries we owe money to called in the marker
Actually in the world in which we live isolationism can be a very dangerous thing.