Solo MA Growth

Find others. Then....just train. Train a whole bunch, train some more. Then do it again. Especially when you don't feel like it. And keep your damn hands up.

I envy you. It's your turn. Go gettum', brother.
First, I wanna thank Omar again. :)

@Gentle Fist, well, I want to practice martial arts so I can expand my abilities. I mean, have you never felt constrained by your limited body abilities before you started martial arts? So little flexibility, so little strength, so little general fitness. I want to tap into my higher potential and boost my self-esteem this way as well.

I started when I was very young so I can barely remember life before martial arts. But I understand what you are saying.

What's more, fighting is fun and I've always felt it was part of who I was. Sure, it can be painful, but I got beat a lot as a kid, and while it sounds bad, some of it was actually good because I made friends by fighting with certain people over emotional misunderstandings. By expressing myself and my emotions with my body and physically feeling my opponent's aggressiveness in return, I felt like I met my opponent more deeply than if I asked about his personal details.

You like to fight people? Can't agree with any of that. I have been in a fair share of fights because of my job. But there is a big difference between fighting a guy who calls you a name and fighting a guy who has a warrant for homicide and it's on you to take his freedom away.

I probably sound silly, maybe I'm just inspired by the relaxing music in the background here, lol, but It's how I feel. I don't want to get really muscled or defend myself from thugs (although that's a bonus), I just want to express myself through fighting and follow a sort of traditional MA path, that is, learning and practicing MAs as I grow up both physically and spiritually, that's the kind of lifestyle I'd like. It's a lifestyle I feel peaceful with.

It is only worth the journey if you find peace at the end of the day!

This is the main reason styles like Boxing and Wrestling don't please me so much, since they don't give off that friendly feeling you can usually find in Dojos. And I do prefer old asian culture to western one. Somehow I feel guilty of my preference, though.

Disagree. I have done both and they offer everything the traditional school does regarding combat and the friendships you can develop. Big difference is they (Boxing and wrestling) lack mystique and the over-embellished stories about feats of former masters :)
I started when I was very young so I can barely remember life before martial arts. But I understand what you are saying.

You like to fight people? Can't agree with any of that. I have been in a fair share of fights because of my job. But there is a big difference between fighting a guy who calls you a name and fighting a guy who has a warrant for homicide and it's on you to take his freedom away.

It is only worth the journey if you find peace at the end of the day!

Disagree. I have done both and they offer everything the traditional school does regarding combat and the friendships you can develop. Big difference is they (Boxing and wrestling) lack mystique and the over-embellished stories about feats of former masters :)

Thank you for the reply :)

I just want to clear up that when I mentioned I enjoyed fighting people, I didn't mean fighting in a question of life or death or another "heavy" circumstance. I was referring to fighting with friends, classmates, and I would say work colleagues, but I'm guessing that when you're a certain age, fighting might not be as easy to forgive? I'm not talking about the kind of fighting that'll put a guy in the hospital with 3 broken bones, who likes that? Haha.

I was rather talking about those silly disputes you usually have as a kid, but I guess not all may be familiar with this.

Fighting got me friends when I was younger. Real ones, not ones out of fear or so. It was the kind of thing that you fought over and then realized it was just stupid and you got all beat up over it, and then you made friendships because your respect for the other person grew after fighting. I mean, how sincere is it to be able to fight a friend and have your bond with that person grow instead of diminishing? Again, I don't mean that overly violent kind of fighting to put someone in the hospital. I guess you could compare it to sparring.

As for boxing and wrestling and such, I really didn't know! I had a bad impression of it because my younger brother used to take boxing classes and he said his teacher was drunk and crazy haha. So I thought it was something taken from Rocky and that teacher made you "overtrain" and that it had a more intense atmosphere where every student was an enemy there. Maybe It's a common misjudgment :)

Thank you :]
As for boxing and wrestling and such, I really didn't know! I had a bad impression of it because my younger brother used to take boxing classes and he said his teacher was drunk and crazy haha. So I thought it was something taken from Rocky and that teacher made you "overtrain" and that it had a more intense atmosphere where every student was an enemy there. Maybe It's a common misjudgment :)

Thank you :]

Boxing and Wrestling are good, skillful Systems. Dont judge the Systems by Their Teachers.

The Students arent the Enemy - Just fellow Boxers to train with. Its a good atmosphere, if Youre the right fit for it. Any illusion of resentment stems from the fact that You dont often see people smiling and carrying on when Theyre punching each other in the head :)

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