LOL I thought the saying was 'you are only as old as the person you feel'.
Young people should be idealistic and not old fogies in a young skin.
We should also bear in mind that while the 'oldies' make the decisions it's the young that are dying and being maimed as a result of them. You don't have the old soldiers out there fighting the battles and as the OP is going to be putting his life on the line for his country (and the oldies) I think he deserves more respect for his views even if you don't agree with them. After all isn't it freedom, free speech and democracy he'll be fighting for?
I don't think it's necessarily disrespect that's intended, it's just the knee jerk of "I was there and thought similarly, and that's what makes me say this now" type of thing and that has a certain....well....CERTAINness about it that can be taken as down-talk by someone who doesn't see it.