So you want "Change"?

Bob Hubbard

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

So you want "Change"?

So you want "Change"?

Barack Obama campaigned on the idea of "Change". He was going to change how the US was seen in the world, how we dealt with our own problems, and more. He was going to tear down to tired old "how it's always been done" walls and sweep in a new world.

So, less than 100 days in, people are screaming about "where's the change?".

First thing: Obama is the President, bound by law, constrained by decisions his predecessor made, and having to work with 2 unwilling to change branches of Congress. He is not a King, ruling by whim, whose every decree is law, descended from the gods on high. American's would do well to remember the difference. He can't just say it, will it into existence and it is so. He must work through the same tired systems, until they decide to change.

American's like the idea of change, yet continue to reelect the same people who cause all the problems, who are more concerned with keeping their jobs, than actually doing their job, which is to represent "We The People".

Maybe the problem is while we like to give lip service to the idea, we don't actually understand the idea, of "Change".

What is "Change"?

Change is the slaughtering of our "Sacred Cows", those outmoded beliefs, assumptions, practices, policies, systems, or strategies that inhibit change and prevent responsiveness to new ideas and opportunities.

What sacred cows? Some examples are the 40 hour work week, job security, holding 1 job until you die, retirement at 65, and single payer households. It is "How we always do things".

Change fails because while most of the ideas that come along sound nice, and make sense on paper, when it comes time to do it people dig in their heels and resist it. End result? Billions of dollars wasted and people get more jaded. The fail point in change is, people.

People have the power of change, or not-change. You've heard it. "Better the Devil you know....", "Who knows what will go wrong...", and so on. People say they want change, but when change comes along, they resist it, fight it, sabotage it and make excuses for it. Change opens up the unknown, it's uncomfortable, it's unpredictable and feels unsafe. "What if it fails?", "What if I get hurt", "What if?". People naturally resist change.

For Change to work, people must want Change, not just say they want it. They must be an active, willing & positive part of the whole process. One can't sit home at rest and wait for change to happen. One must move, become involved, participate, and help fuel change.

For change to happen, people need to be open to change. They must be receptive to it, to new ideas. They must be excited, not anxious about change. Be challenged, but not threatened, and commit to change as an ongoing process, not a final destination.

If you're good, you react quickly to change, but if you're great, you become the catalyst for change itself.

The old saying goes, if you want something to happen, make it happen, don't wait for it to find you.

If you like Obama's promises for change, then get involved and help him change the system and make the changes. If you don't like them, then get involved and make your own changes happen. Either way, don't sit home waiting for someone else to do it.
Nice one Bob. I have been going back and forth over the idea of opening my own gym/club/school for a while now and I think what you said in the end will help me out there. It is time I made my own changes. I don't like O, but I am not going to let my own need to change hold me back any further.
Bob great peice, we all have the power to make changes but for the most part to scared to do anything. I hope some people will take the time to act and not just let the chance go by.
But we do.

One only has to think outside the box to see them all.
I dunno. Maybe given enough time harship and sacrifice... or some extreme dumb luck...

Capitol doesnt grow on trees, and not everyone can fall into a grant or (especially in todays economy) qualify for a loan... and some buisness ventures could take YEARS of scrimping saving and living in squallor to save up on your own...

I'm not saying its impossible... just that it can seem that way at times. Trust me, I'm there now and working on it. *I* have a plan, but not everyone does.
Change? His economic policies are a re-hash of Franklin Delano Roosevelt? The same ones that keep us in a depression for ten years till a world war got us out of it.

Change? His foreign policy, at least expressed by him in Europe this last week, got what for a response? A mere 5000 troops to Afghanistan? And he gave what to the British envoy? And he gave what to the Queen of England? And his secretary of state, you-know-who gave what to Putin?

Change? And North Korea launches a more-or-less ICBM and what was Obama’s response? But then who knows, maybe he will get us into a war to help the economy!

Change? His idea of healthcare is Britain’s! A socialistic healthcare system where the government dictates what doctors you see (and tell me, are all doctors created equal??), what is ‘elective surgery’ and what is not, and where waiting lines go for six months. And to top it off, there is talk among the mps to deign healthcare to the obese!

Yes that’s some change. But change can be for the worse as well as the better.

How many business ideas are rehashes? How many movies?

Change can be good, and bad.
I want out of NY. I could end up in a good place, or, I could end up with a money pit, in a crap section of town, afraid to open a window, or turn off the lights.

I could open the coffee house I've thought about, hit a good niche and make a good living, or I could fail horribly, go bankrupt and put my life back 20 years.

I could sit on my rump and let others do it, but then I'll still be here on my rump.

Want more money? Sell something, find another job, expand your horizons.
Want more time? Work less, cut out something, redo your dayplanner.
Want less government? Write your reps, call them, meet with them. Organize others.
Want more government? Do the same.

So on.

I'm merely using Obama's campaign as an example here. There are others that work as well.
Well, he actually has made some changes. He changed the Bush ban on funding for embryonic stem cell research. He ended the gag rule banning doctors and nurses working for organizations that receive federal money from discussing abortion with their patients. He has made plans to close the detention centers at Guantanamo. He has included funding in his proposed budget for universal health care.

I agree that whether you like or dislike Obama's proposed changes, you should get involved to make your voice heard.
I could open the coffee house I've thought about, hit a good niche and make a good living, or I could fail horribly, go bankrupt and put my life back 20 years.

Not that this means anything, but I thought Id mention...

Couple guys out here opened one... it blows Starbucks and Caribou out of the water, and I never see the place empty. In fact I drive 2 towns over to do my banking just so I can stop there for coffee. Why? cuz they have WAY better product and WAY friendlier people.
I need 30k to relocate. I'll take it however I can get it, and if anyone wants to just give me cash, hey, I'll take it. But, I'd rather you use one of my various services like the hosting, or design, or photography, or buy a banner or a print, etc.
I sent my daughter's tuition bill to Congress. If failed corporate execs can get a bailout, why shouldn't a successful college student?

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