So who has pets?

I have one cat named Druscilla. She's named after the character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

My son, Xander, is also named after a character on the show. My cat is better about her toilet habits than my son; sad. I'm not sure why my daughter is named Paris and not Faith or Willow.

btw, I'd like to say again how gorgeous Sarah's dogs are. Very pretty.

A nod of recognition too to Opal Dragon...just for taking the time to post all of the appropriate "smilies".
I have Cinnamon, a red Siberian Husky with blue eyes, and Hershey, a black Labrador Retriever. Also have a Leopard Gecko. Attached are pictures of Cinnamon and Hershey. Sorry, no picture of the gecko at this time.

- Ceicei


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Flying Crane said:
Maybe there is already a thread on this, but I was too lazy to search it out. Who has pets?

We have two cats:

Grendel - female
Beowulf - male

They are about as nutty as they come, and they rule our household.
camels count?
Navarre said:
I have one cat named Druscilla. She's named after the character on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

My son, Xander, is also named after a character on the show. My cat is better about her toilet habits than my son; sad. I'm not sure why my daughter is named Paris and not Faith or Willow.

That's great. We used to have an ugly-fish tank with a sucker fish and an electric cat, plus a couple of angelfish in, but they were the first to go, so we got ugly stuff and they were all named after BTVS characters, too. The electric catfish was Spike, the suckerfish was Dawn because Dawn sucks in general (god, I cant stand that character), the angelfish were of course Angel and Buffy. I think we had some kind of snail in there at one point, too. The wife and I have already pretty much decided that we too are naming our first son, if we have one, Alexander and plan to call him Xander for short. I know it sounds like we are obsessed, but fish don't really care what they're named and I think Xander is kind of a cool name for a human whether it's a Buffy name or not.

I've never had a pet before now either. Right now, we have a little 12- pound, two-year-old mutt named Dot. That's my first pet...ever. My wife named her Dot because it sounds like "dog" and that's what she figured I'd call the dog most of the time anyway. She was right, but I love having her around. I'll get a picture up sometime. She's a mix of a sheltie, shih-tzu, pomeranian, and sheltie. It's funny when she's hyper because she'll just take off running around the house for no apparent reason at top speed, jumping over and through things and nobody can catch her. She's kind of like a rabbit sometimes, and lots of fun.
Of pets, I have 12

2 black Boxer-Lab mutts, Bailey and Brie
1 gray American Tabby cat, Marty
9 assorted fish, all named Fish

also, 2 bio-kids and 3 step-kids

So, really, 17
Two dogs ~ a 12 year old Dalmation named Emmylou and a 5 year old shitzu named Walter. :)
Well here we go

Snake Ball python
Box Turtle
flying squeell (misspelled)
A rat
two dogs
Not alot but a few
How about another topic? Your favorite pets in the past? I guess does not have to be past, but your favorite or perhaps most memorable pet.

My parents used to raise miniture shnauzers (sp). We always had a litter a year until I was about 15. Was great having puppies around :)

One of my cats back at my parents just died. I used to lay out with her watching the stars, her laying on my stomach. Miss that cat!
Navarre said:
A nod of recognition too to Opal Dragon...just for taking the time to post all of the appropriate "smilies".

Thanks! :) I don't know how to post real pictures and I'm too lazy to read up about it. I love smilies though. ;)

mrhnau said:
How about another topic? Your favorite pets in the past? I guess does not have to be past, but your favorite or perhaps most memorable pet.

That's hard, but I suppose I'd have to say my black persian cat "Misty". My family got her when I was in 3rd grade and she was a little kitten. She became "my" cat because I played with her a lot and she spent most of her time in my room. I nicknamed her "Minky" because she was so soft. We had to have her put to sleep when she was 12 and I was very sad. I vowed that someday I'd get a new black furred kitten (not Persian though) with gold eyes like Misty only I'd name her Kasumi (Japanese for misty). I have that cat Kasumi now and she's my baby and knows it. Kasumi is our "diva" cat.

6 cats..3 boys and 3 girls..The biggest is about 19 lbs and smallest is about 1 lb..One came from a shelter the rest were rescued from the outside..Yes, I but litter in BULK..
If we're talking about favorite pets from the past I guess I would saw my dog, Nikki. She was my first dog. I had her from a pup until she died of old age.

She was my only companion from the age of 8 until 20 or so. We used to track things in the woods together. She was a miniature German shepherd; determined enough to track a black bear but about the size of a cat.

I also had a pet rat named Raistlin. He and Nikki were good buddy's. She's wash him and they'd play chase and hide-and-seek. Funny to watch.

Points to the first person who knows the name "Raistlin".
Interesting thread...
Currently, my pets:

3 foot California King snake - Lucy
3 foot yearling Boa Constrictor - Clark
6 foot Boa - Harley
9 foot Boa - Betty

and in the past:
Many dogs, many birds, hermit crabs, mice, rats, turtles, a salamander, corn snake, ball python, western hognose, emus (yes, like an ostrich)

OK, what can I say, I like the exotic animals - especially reptiles! After my children are old enough, maybe a rattlesnake. . .but the wife may have something to say about that!
Awesome! Another herper! I thought I was all by myself. What did you think of the Western Hognose?

I loved the hognose. He was probably my favorite - had a GREAT personality. Unfortunately, he died of unknown causes. But, he was adorable, funny to watch. When he was young, there was a period of about 3 months that I just could not get him to eat, but he grew out of that. That's just something that Heterodon nasicus does occasionally!
i have 3 cats kelly roly and meow meow, and two dogs bear and smokey .. bear is a spoiled rotten brat of a dog, and meow meow is anti social
I've had lot's of critters in my life. Our most recent addition to the family is Tucker. He's a basset/australian shephard mix. Read all about him in the Tribulations of Tucker thread on this board. He's made a full recovery and is doing great.