
i originally wanted a pet quality, but when we got to make initial choices, prior to take home date, the 1 I held was the one I got. I was 3rd of the people picking the pups (13 pups total) and mine was pick of the litter. They knew I wasn't a handler, but promised I would try. Every dog that was show quality has died, or had some mishap preventing it from showing more then a couple of times.....mine is the last one......and sorry to say....The champion line stops here!
Dude! Not to get into a dog breeding thread, here, but.....

Have you thought about getting together with another show dog owner and continuing the line? I'd hate to see good lines go down.....

Yeah, I have no doubt we will eventually Stud him out. Maybe get a new pup out of it. Who knows.......i'm sure we can sell his 'product' . If David Crosby can sell his......i'm sure we can sell my dogs!!!!!
I have a genuine Appalacian Striped Polecat.

Her given name is Violet, but she is offten referred to as Stinky McFuzzybutt.

Life with a skunk is a true adventure.
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
What kind of pets do you guys have or how many? What pets did you have that were/are very special to you. Any special stories about them? (Please, no comments about dogs are dumb or cats taste good or anything unnecessary like that.)

These are my pets--

Teddy Bear (short hair Himalayan cat)
Kasumi (black Panther-ish cat--name means "Misty" in Japanese)
Stormy (black and white kitten who we just got a month ago)
Dust Bunny (gold and orange striped kitten)
Chipmunk (Pug dog but he almost looks more like a Boxer)
Mouse Potato (Pug dog who looks more like a manatee:o)
we also have lots of fish.

(we've had 3 other cats in the past who have died of old age)

Robyn :asian:

in the US, i have 5 cats... one is really my own cuz he followed me home.. gosh i miss him..

here in the philippines, i have one kitten.

US pets:
Tommy - maine coon (he's so silly.. but smart)
Kitty - calico (last of the cats that came from this rich couple... 19 yrs old and still able to jump and catch birds. she did run into a window screen once lol.)
Michelle - tabby longhair (no balance whatsoever)
Missy - calico (michelle's best friend)
Duffy - smoked persian (she really is a walking hairball... i promise)

Pet in the philippines:
Sapphire aka Sappy - chocolate point siamese (no balance. clueless. silly.. thinks everything is a game.. constantly crashes into things)

deceased pets:
Satchmo - akita (looked like a wolf. gentle creature.. scared all my friends.)
CoCo - german shephard (worst guard dog ever. happily greets strangers... except when it's past midnight.)
Rudolph - mutt (best guard dog. great pairing with CoCo. liked his cage. once jumped on the pizza man making him drop 5 pizza pies)
Cherry - ger
Tubby - tabby longhair (one eyed cat that enjoyed stealing food.)
CoCoa - black shorthair (sweet very overweight cat.. my cat tommy killed him. :( oops)
Here's a fun topic I can relate to- have had a ton of pets so far in my lifetime- lots of hamsters as kids, but mostly cats.

When I was born, my parents had two cats- Merry Cat and Sniffles.

Merry Cat was very loving, cuddly- she was a long-hair tabby and died at the age of 18 from cancer.

Sniffles was a black and white cat, also very loving- she died at the age of 17 from kidney failure- both cats were strays.

Next there was Muffy- we got her from a shelter when she was a kitten. She was great until adult-hood when she went kinda bi-polar on us.....she died at the age of 17 from crabbiness and old age we think!!

Smokey- this was a stray that came to us in the middle of a storm- he was rehabbed by us thru a terrible bout with pneumonia and died too young when he was hit by car. Smokey was all gray.

Noel- a Christmas time stray who had her kittens in our house- the first was still-born, the next three only lived until their eyes opened- we found out all the cats had feline leukemia and so had to have Noel put to sleep as she would have died soon too.

Still living with my parents are Wolf, Mama Kitty (Missy) and Katie. Wolf was born next door with the umbilical cord wrapped around his foot- missing a toe, but other than that, doing great at the age of 17 (just turned 17 in June)- most loving, awesome cat we've ever had.

Missy had her kittens next door to us and carried them to our backyard!! She had three kittens- one now lives with my friend (the kittens are 7 years old now), we kept the two and raised them with Missy. Ashley, one of the two remaining kittens died last year of kidney failure- Missy and Katie are doing fine.

Also growing up, we had a collection of gray squirrels as pets. First there was Sammy. I found Sammy as a baby outside my Dad's office- he had fallen from a tree and would not stop following me. He lived to age 5 and even had a pin in his leg after having jumped from my shoulder one time and broken the leg- vets inserted a tiny pin for him.

After Sammy was Dusty- this one fell out of a palm tree and a friend brought him to us- he only lived a few months then went into convulsions and died- very sad.

Next was the first female squirrel- Indy (short for Indiana)- she was good (as both females were) until adulthood and then latched on to my Mom and nobody could get near her. The males were always very loving with everyone. Females are very territorial. Indy lived for 6 years.

Finally (for squirrels) there was Cody (aka: Satan!!)- she was soooo mean after reaching adulthood- great as a baby. She was unique cuz she had a mal-formed jaw and since squirrels teeth never quit growing, Mom had to use an electric file on her teeth every week so they would not grow into her upper jaw. Cody allowed it, but was pretty cranky about it sometimes. This squirrel once bit almost all the way thru my thumb- Yikes!! She was about 7 when she died.

Currently living with us (myself, husband and 16 month old son) are Jordie, Allie and Kaya.

Jordie, I found outside of the karate studio one night- he was under the car next to mine and I heard him before I saw him. He looked as though he was a black cat cuz he was covered in fleas and road grime, but is actually white and orange/tan. Since there was so much wrong with him (fleas, infected eyes, pneumonia, worms)- the vets didn't give him much hope- but with lots of TLC, repeated baths and a purr box that never quits, he is now the 7 year old sweety we've come to love and adore. He has had some kidney problems, but they seem to be currenly under control- thank God. He was originally named River cuz I found him by the river, but re-named him Jordie (like from Star Trek) cuz his eyes, like the character Jordie, had problems- they are fine now.

Allie cat came to our apartment door and meowed pittifully a few weeks before my b-day a few years ago (in the month of January so it was cold out). My hubby said I could keep her as a b-day present if there was no owner found. Well- we've had her almost 3 years now and she is a real sweetie too.

Kaya is the first dog I have ever owned. I begged for a dog when we moved from our apartment to a house with a big back yard and located her at my hometown's shelter. She was one of 9 pups who were severely mal-nourished, dehydrated and abused. I fell in love with her huge brown lab eyes as soon as I met her and knew she was the one!! She is part black lab and part Australian shepherd- all black with a white streak on her chest. She loves to hike with us and it is awesome to have her along whenever we can take her. Kaya means "stay and never leave" in Eskimo. Got her when she was 6 months old, she will be 3 years old in September- doing great!

Have also had countless fish over the years- some of their names were: Sherbert (orange fish), Grover (blue fish), Grunge (sucker fish), Tazz, Bill and Ted, Tigger, and shark.......can't remember any other names.

Boy- that was a story and a half, eh?!! A true pet lover at heart!!

:asian: :karate:
I have a genuine Appalacian Striped Polecat.

If you're into the polecat thing you are more than welcome to come down and get a few. The place we just moved into has plenty of them. They just kinda waddle through the yard as if they own it and I'm not gonna argue with them.
Originally posted by theletch1
If you're into the polecat thing you are more than welcome to come down and get a few. The place we just moved into has plenty of them. They just kinda waddle through the yard as if they own it and I'm not gonna argue with them.

Mine Just waddles around the apartment like she owns the place and bites my toes every chance she gets. Its definitly easier to negotiate with them when they don't have their scent glands anymore.
Originally posted by Shodan
How on earth did you acquire a polecat in the first place?? :asian: :karate:

You know how every town has a crazy cat lady. Like on the Simpsons. The really old ugly one with fifty cats, who chain smokes and always wheres a bathrobe and curlers. Well, we have a crazy skunk lady. She is the regional skunk rescue rep and lives with 39 skunks in her house. Nice lady; no curlers or bathrobe; but she'll get you a skunk if you really want one. The little pain is actually my girlfriend's, but that means I get to live with it too. I was going to post a pic, but the pics I have are too high def to upload to the site.
Hmmmmm.........interesting- out of long do they live and what do they eat? Are they good pets? :asian: :karate:
Originally posted by Shodan
Hmmmmm.........interesting- out of long do they live and what do they eat? Are they good pets? :asian: :karate:

Depending on who you ask they live between 6-15 yrs. They eat EVERYTHING: fruits, veggies, meat, carpet, furniture, small children, ect. We have to keep it on a strict diet because they don't have an off switch for their hunger. They will eat them selves to death and their bodies are really efficient, so all the calories not burned go directly to fat. I have seen a 15lb albino skunk that could bearly walk. It looked like a big white pillow with feet and a nose.

I personally think it is the worst pet possible. The good news is that they are naturally house broken, but their hunger is their only driving force and it never stops. It constantly searches the apartment for anything to eat. If it can't find anything it goes "digging for grubs" through the carpet. Anything you might think is affection is actually just looking for something to eat. They also have a pounce and bite instinct for anything that resembles a grub or worm, like toes. Finally, they only have one natural predetor (owls, who have no sense of smell) so they aren't scared of anything or anyone. Our skunk will walk up to you, bite your toe and then turn its butt to you and stare at you (she still thinks she can spray). This has led to this particular skunk learning the ability to fly for short distances (into inanimate objects).
Originally posted by OULobo
Depending on who you ask they live between 6-15 yrs. They eat EVERYTHING: fruits, veggies, meat, carpet, furniture, small children, ect.

Our skunk will walk up to you, bite your toe and then turn its butt to you and stare at you (she still thinks she can spray). This has led to this particular skunk learning the ability to fly for short distances (into inanimate objects).

hahahaha. :lol: owww.. that hurts my sore muscles...
Here is a picture of our two Burmese. The one on the left is Chewie and the one on the right is Diva. Actually their full names are Chewbacca and Divine Melody, but their nicknames fit them so much better. :rolleyes:

I'm actually a dog person, fortunately for me, Chewie acts like he is a dog.
Wow cats are popular!

We have a Golden Retriver (Hunter) and a Leopard Gecko (Cami)
Originally posted by OULobo
I have a genuine Appalacian Striped Polecat.

Her given name is Violet, but she is offten referred to as Stinky McFuzzybutt.

Life with a skunk is a true adventure.

Finally I can post pics of the Stinkmyer.


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