so what's your leave-the-country country?

Hand Sword beat me to it.


That's as close as I get to leaving US soil again.

If things go sideways and the country does split I'd rather be stuck in a state whose political , legislative culture and whose population ALREADY share my core beliefs instead of stuck up here "behind enemy lines".
Canada. Had the chance to move to Ottawa in 2000 on the company dime. I probably should have ditched my failing marriage and just gone. I'd be skating to work on the Rideau rather than skidding to work down some boring New Hamsphire roadway.

Ottawa? That is the town fun forgot....Montreal or Quebec City are much better.

If you want to get away from the cold (and it gets cold in Ottawa), Vancouver is an option, great scenery, on the Pacific Ocean, you can golf all year round, ski in the mountains, surf in the sea...did I mention the great wines?
i agree with montreal if you are going to go the canadian city route...personally the mountains in BC sound more my speed.

sounds great! you'll have to help me out with my moving process if i ever take the plunge.


Gladly mate. The process is a bit of a pain, but should essentially remain the same regardless of whether it's from the US or UK.

Also, would recommend joining a couple of NZ emigration forums, which I can advise of the better ones at another time if you so wish.

Finally, if you've not been, git yoself over there. Start with the South Island. Fly to Christchurch, and head out from there. If you were half serious before, this will convince you.... ;)
Ottawa? That is the town fun forgot....Montreal or Quebec City are much better.

If you want to get away from the cold (and it gets cold in Ottawa), Vancouver is an option, great scenery, on the Pacific Ocean, you can golf all year round, ski in the mountains, surf in the sea...did I mention the great wines?

Plus, their hockey team sucks behind. Nowhere near as good as the mighty Toronto Mapleleafs.... :D
Plus, their hockey team sucks behind. Nowhere near as good as the mighty Toronto Mapleleafs.... :D had to bring up the Leafs didn't you? I live in Toronto, thank god I got over that Leaf obsession as a young man, they haven't won a championship since I was toilet trained...footy is my sport now ....LIVERPOOL!
If I had to leave this green and pleasant land, then it would either be New Zealand or Canada. Apparently, New Zealand is England but optimised ... I have my doubts on that score but that's what people say. had to bring up the Leafs didn't you? I live in Toronto, thank god I got over that Leaf obsession as a young man, they haven't won a championship since I was toilet trained...footy is my sport now ....LIVERPOOL!

Ok, so they've not won the SC since 1967, but that doesn't mean ANYTHING.... :D They suck even worse without Sundin though. Ah well. I'm from the UK, but I can't stand wendy-ball. If you want a sport that ain't hockey, it HAS to be rugby. The worlds most brutal game. Ah... Love it. Anyone here heard of the New Zealand All Blacks?

Thread back on track. Apologies.
I can't believe the number of replies for Canada, whenever I am standing in -20 degree weather waiting for the train to get to work, I am usually desperately wishing I lived anyplace where the wind chill doesn't cause my balls to migrate up to my throat.
No "country" to run to, but Mexico is the jumping off point. Get on the boat and go for total gypsy self-sufficiency. There's a few places we might wash up after that, but this country right here is always going to be home, regardless of whether it's actually this country anymore.....
I can't believe the number of replies for Canada, whenever I am standing in -20 degree weather waiting for the train to get to work, I am usually desperately wishing I lived anyplace where the wind chill doesn't cause my balls to migrate up to my throat.

We thought of Canada,

But thought better of it. ;) We thought of the US, but oddly, on one particular emigration forum, we seemed to get the impression that Brits aren't really welcome? :idunno:

Aus is too hot, with waaaaaay too many beasties that bite, sting, kill, maim you, and that's just for foreplay. Ever noticed why the population of Aus is markedly smaller than that of the US, despite being not that much younger. It's because they've all been eaten. It's true, and not something I have to back up with well researched evidence at all... Ahem.

So. NZ for us.

Perhaps the bigger question here, is "why"?
We thought of the US, but oddly, on one particular emigration forum, we seemed to get the impression that Brits aren't really welcome? :idunno:

Are you kidding, this country can't get along without Brits, especially the Scottish, even today, anyone with a Scottish last name is guaranteed to be the head of the civil service or do well in politics ..even Trudeau was Scottish on his mother's side.

Actually, why wouldn't Brits be welcome? That is the first I have heard of anti-British sentiment, we still love the Queen here as opposed to the Aussies.
Are you kidding, this country can't get along without Brits, especially the Scottish, even today, anyone with a Scottish last name is guaranteed to be the head of the civil service or do well in politics ..even Trudeau was Scottish on his mother's side.

Actually, why wouldn't Brits be welcome? That is the first I have heard of anti-British sentiment, we still love the Queen here as opposed to the Aussies.

I meant the US mate. Canada is still Britain isn't it, just with funny accents? :D We'd read and heard a few horror stories that Brits weren't welcome in the US.

Not sure many Americans love the Queen, I know I don't. :D
I've thought about setting up a base in Ireland when I retire. I'd love to go to Bavaria in October, Normandy in June, the Ardennes around Christmas, stuff like that. But I don't want to fly across the Atlantic a lot. If I base in the UK somehere, I can sommunicate with the natives relatively easily and be able to hop over to the Continent when I want.

I don't envision staying there permanently though.
i think by this point in our history, most of us have toyed with the idea of moving to another country in the future. if not for political differences then economic fears. so if you finally got fed up with the united states, where would you move to?

Damn, I would have expected Drac to say Transylvania ...

Dracula did visit London to track down Mina...I would visit Rumania but have no desire to live there..With my luck the superstitious natives would probably drive a stake throug my heart..
Dracula did visit London to track down Mina...I would visit Rumania but have no desire to live there..With my luck the superstitious natives would probably drive a stake throug my heart..

Never did understand that, in Bram Stoker's Dracula, he has Monica Belluci in his harem in Transylvania , but decides to head to London to try and shag Winona

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