So what do you think

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Tell me what you guys think of this.

I am picking up and moving to Thailand to persue a fight career as well as possibly some work in action movies and opening a TKD school there. This means that I obviously won't be able to teach my TKD school that I run here in Canada through community centers and rented space. I leave for Thailand Dec. 1st. The person who was going to take over the instruction of my school was my most senior student and was respected/liked and even a little feared (I think it's kind of important that students think their instructor can whoop them) by all my students but due to getting a job out of town he can no longer do this. He was the perfect choice and there is no one else in my school I could trust to teach effectively. So I am hiring an instructor outside my school (but is part of the same art and organisation) to teach all the classes. My students don't know this instructor yet but they will get to know him over the next 5 weeks until I leave. He has years of teaching experience at his 2 instructors schools and is very quallified and good at what he does, in some respects better than me so I know my students will get good instruction. There are some things that I will have to teach him since my school focuses on street defence techniques more than what he is used to but I'm sure over the next 5 weeks I can give him all that information and get him up to speed.

Keep in mind I am only now about to announce this to the school. The majority of them have no idea the major change that is about to take place. I need to get to Thailand now as I'm getting older (30) and can't waste any more time if I'm going to fight professionally or get into movies. I've got about 3 years left to persue these goals at the most.

I have been distraught and stressed out over this for the past month and it's killing me. I know that in order to persue my dreams and be successful I have to take immediate action but I totally feel like I'm abandoning my students and being selfish. I'm just a small school running out of community centers and I'm getting older and wondering if I'm going to teach out of community centers for the rest of my life and always be broke. I feel I have to do this as I'm very unsure about my future if I don't. I'm a martial artist as my career, I don't do anything else.

I've got no one else I can really talk to about this so I am talking to a bunch of people I've never met heh. Tell me what you think of the whole situation.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Ultimately your responsibility is to yourself.
If you feel that you are leaving your students in capable hands, then do what will make you happy.
Sitting around in Thailand wondering if your students are doing ok won't be half as bad as sitting in Canada wondering what COULD have been had you gone to Thailand.
I agree with the others- you should go for it. You have obviously spent the time making sure someone of quality will be there for your students, so I wouldn't feel like you are abandoning them. I have been abandoned by instructors before and believe me, they left nobody for us, they just left. So, I think you are going about it the right way. And maybe if you have success over there, you can come back to Canada now and then to see your students and do a seminar.

Best of luck to you- Happy Trails!!

:asian: :karate:
I commend you for looking after your students. Makes you a very honorable person. My question is, why Thailand to fight and make your fortune? One would think that you would have more and better opportunuties in the U.S. You do realize the span of a Muy Thai fighter is short. For the stories I've read and listened to, many of them get really messed up and for life. I realize everyone that has an opportunity to follow what they consider their dream feels they must do so. I guess because I'm older, I realize that not everything that we may wish for or desire is necessarily good for our well being. Have you really and honestly thought through this and viewed it from all the angles? I think you can see from what I write that I am only thinking of your well being. What happened to you when you went just for a visit and you had a fight. Took you a while to recoop, did'nt it. At age 30, your starting to push the envelope for this type of endeavor. I know you will do what you feel you must. If you do proceed with your relocation, then I / we wish you luck, health and happiness.

Finding someone qualified to take over your classes (same style, same org.) is the way to go, you aren't abandoning them - though I understand why you feel that way.

I think you should follow your dreams, and try to do what you think will fulfill you... but I also agree with Disco - fighting professionally is tough on the body, and you are a bit old to begin a career - and fighting professionally is not necessarily the best way to get into film... so be sure you know why you want to do it.

If it's that you have always dreamed of being a professional fighter, then go for it! You have to try!

If its movies you want, or if you doubt the effectiveness of your skills, or if you are looking for a change, or to challenge yourself, then maybe there are better ways.

But do what you need to do to be happy!
Thanks for the replies. Tonight I watched the man whos going to teach for me instruct one of my classes and it lowered my stress level alot, he's a very good instructor.

Everythings been pretty much planned out, the fighting is a side career that isn't for money or fame, just experience and credentials... plus I enjoy it, I would only be doing it for about 6 months to 2 years if even that. I know people in Thailand that are involved in movies so would be getting in through them. Running a TKD school there has more chance for success for me there. Bottom line I have more oppurtunities over there then here. I wouldn't be going there and leaving my students if I wasn't positive about what I'm doing, I don't think I would have the nerve. But thankyou for your concern, the fighting is the only risky thing but to me it's worth it.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
You have a chance to make your dreams come true, so go for it. You only have one life and you need to live it for you. Sounds like everything is under control with the students and your school, so it's time for your new journey.

Well, are you gonna be one of those movie star types that when you make it big your gonna forget about all us little folk here at Martial Talk:confused: :p :rofl:

Good luck and safe journey:asian:
Forgive me, but it sounds like to me you're having trouble letting go of a control issue. Sure you were willing to allow your most senior student take over and now are willing to let this "new" guy come in but deep down inside I sensed between your (post) lines that it's about something you realize that you will have NO control over after you leave for Thailand. Which I heartily agree with the others that you should definitely do.
But it seems to irk you that you're no longer going to be able to first-hand or maybe even second hand have a say in what goes on in your school or with your students and what they learn.
Believe it or not... after Dec 1st it's no longer important. You and what you're doing for yourself is important.

Follow your heart and your spirit. But at the same time let go of what you will not have any control over anyway.
I can appreciate your attachment to your school and to your students. And I sense that you fear (deep down inside) it will all collapse soon after you leave. Well maybe it will... but again you will not have any control over that once you get on that plane.
Check that baggage at the airport and send it somewhere you ain't.

You're pursuing your dream dude. Don't let it be bogged down with what might be happening back in Canada or with your students. This is what picking up and moving on is all about.
Free your self and you'll be a lot happier.

Good luck and hopefully see you in the mooovies. That way I can walk out of the theater saying: "I know that guy... never met him but I know that guy!"

Are you trying to get to the k-1 lvl and one day do you plan on entering the cage?

Just curious

btw best of luck on what ever you discide to do Damian
do your best, live your best, have the best, and make your students proud!
Disco, I won't forget you I promise! Heh, I'll probably be doing ALOT of little villain roles, sometimes my face might only be on the screen for half a second. I'm basing this on what my friends are doing over there right now, those guys have been in Jackie Chan movies, Steven Segal, Van damme, assorted Thai movies but always as villains and sometimes barely on the screen at all. But to me that just sounds like fun, I don't have any delusions that it will turn into something bigger, I'll be happy getting my butt kicked by the good guys. The first time I see my face on a movie screen in any way, shape of form I can die a happy man, it's just been a dream of mine.

MACaver, yes maybe a little. I think most instructors would be worried about letting go the control of the school. But in my case it's probably stronger, I'm the kind of guy that would teach on holidays. I always taught through the Christmas holidays and civic holidays just for the 2 or 3 students that would want to continue training.... and I've been doing that for 8 years with no vacation until my trip to Thailand earlier this year. So to just stop and walk away is very very hard....this was the center of my whole existence. But after last night and watching my replacement in action I'm feeling a lot better, the school will take a slightly diffrent path but it will still be in good hands.

J-Kid, it's funny you should mention K-1 as one of the places I train at in Thailand promotes and coaches Peter Aerts from the K-1. Peter Aerts even helped me get ready for my fight there and gave me tons of great advice. Unfortunately I'm too little (160 lbs) to ever think of the K-1 but I heard they have a special lower weight K-1, who knows maybe it's a possibility. I'm 30 but some of the fighters are older than I am, and look at Randy Couture the new champ of UFC... he's 40! Anything is possible but unless I'm creaming my oponents left and right in Thailand my fight career will probably at the most just be 2 years.

One thing I haven't mentioned yet is I'm scared, really freaking scared. I try to control it but dropping everything I've created and moving to a new country is some scary stuff. I'm leaving behind my safe normal existence and taking some chances there. I guess it's this kind of feeling that keeps alot of people from following their dreams and that is the one piece of knowledge that keeps me focusssed on my goals. I remember a few times hearing successful people say, whether they are in movies or fighting or whatever, that you should never stop following your dreams and to not let fear stop you. I know exactly what they mean because persuing your dreams is SCARY. I can't let fear stop me though and for good or bad I will be in Thailand Dec. 1st.

Thanks for the replies so far everyone.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

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