1)If you are referring to the DKI style of revival it is not necessary to do all that elaborate stuff like getting four or five people to rush over, sitting the guy up and crossing their legs etc.…..but then again I guess it is all part of the “Dillman Show” isn’t it.
Actually sitting them his not such a good idea and could increase the likelihood for injuries or complications. I know that DKI people think they ned to “counter” the points they used to KO someone but that is pure BULL. The reason being, as I have said numerous times before, the points are too close together to accurately determine which point was used……not to mention that when doing a neck strike you are not even using points to KO them but the effect comes from the brain getting knocked against the skull and thereby KOing the person, so making them sit up could possible cause damage. But I guess you guys will figure that out in a few years when you start walking around shaking like Mohamed Ali. Like I said, it’s better to study from someone who is “trained” and actually knows what the hell they are doing.