So long Charley...


Green Belt
My parents were long time residence of Punta Gorda. Americans do good everyday. Thank God.

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. (AP) - Hundreds of local residents and some from across the nation have turned out to provide a vast array of free aid since Hurricane Charley ravaged the area on Aug. 13.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency said that as of Friday 77,000 households had registered for disaster relief in Florida. The Red Cross is preparing 125,000 meals a day and says an estimated 2,200 families have been housed in shelters.

But it is the unofficial aid stations that have become a lifeline for many people.

Hurricane victims need travel only a few blocks on some major thoroughfares before seeing hand-lettered signs offering free water, ice, sandwiches, diapers, blankets and toiletries. Many Good Samaritans just pull up at the first big intersection they see to distribute their aid.

With a freezer full of food about to spoil, there was only one thing for Nestor Tsimpedes to do after Hurricane Charley made a shambles of his restaurant - feed people for free.

When the freezer was emptied of ham, roast beef and turkey, he sent his employees to buy hot dogs.

"What was I going to do? I'm ruined," Tsimpedes said, his eyes becoming moist with tears as he recounted memories of the Greek-American kitchen where he toiled nearly every day for the past 10 years.

"We are amazed by what we see here," said Bruce Bagge, a retired investment executive who loaded up a pickup truck with ice and water to take back to his neighbors.

For several days, Audrey Brooks of Fort Myers loaded up her minivan with bags of bread, peanut butter and other supplies and drove 25 miles to the damaged area. On Thursday, she brought 25 gallons of bleach so people could disinfect their homes, and it was all snapped up in about 30 minutes.

"I am just doing what I can," Brooks while her 6-year-old son Timothy napped in her car. "It's sad. It hit in along an area where people don't have a lot anyway."

[...] Dale Creech, a construction superintendent for Minton Construction in Palm Beach, has been delivering ice. When he arrived the day after the storm hit, he drove a truck of ice around until he saw someone in need. Since then, Creech and his company have sent out several truckloads of ice.
I agree.

I've seen several expressions of help through the area.
Some of the amazing things that have happened:
In one weeks time, enough electrical cable to reach from Miami to New York has been run. (I think that's the analogy)
All the electricity has been restored...
Average people have arrived with chain saws to clear trees from people's charge..

Still there's more to be done.

In the last five days, all the rain in Florida has dumped in the path of the storm....
As backward and antagonistic and competitive as Western society seems to be at times, it's refreshing to hear these kinds of reports in the aftermath of disaster. It's good to know there is still some evidence of Human Nature, and sense of community out there. Thanks for the post, Glen.
My girlfriend is currently serving in AmeriCorps, and she is down there working disaster relief. She works close to 12 hour days, patching up peoples' roofs for them. From what I hear, her team is doing a great job down there. I am often humbled when I think of the great things that relief workers in organizations like Americorps are doing. I think they deserve a continuous round of applause.


This is one instance where I think America stands alone. When a hurricane hits Haiti? Who are the first people there? Often the American Red Cross. When disease strikes an impoverished nation, who often is sent? The Peace Corps.

Charlie hits us, and who else has come to our aid? To my knowledge, only us Americans. This is one reason that I am proud to call myself an American.

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