Time to cite Fox News and say the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army were not allowed access to New Orleans to give supplies, place personnel and use equipment before Katrina hit, the day it was hit, and after it hit. By who? The Louisiana government, of course. They didn't want to encourage people to stay longer...(more than the mayor was, at any rate).
Now, I know most of my liberal colleagues will scoff and say that is conservative crazy talk. Fortunately, CNN has picked up the story (which only Fox News was reporting earlier). Only they didn't quite pick it up that well...
"The national president of the American Red Cross, Marsha Evans, first made the request to undertake the operation during a visit to the state on September 1, three days after Hurricane Katrina struck, a local Red Cross chapter official said."
However, that is a misleading quote. They fail to mention that it was only one of numerous requests for access that was denied.
Days after Katrina hit, they were denied access. Right after Katrina hit, they were denied access. The day Katrina hit, they were denied access. The days before Katrina hit, they were denied access...All by the Louisiana government. But the quote implies the relief effort was only ready to go on 1 September, when in fact such was not the case. They were ready before the Hurricane even hit. They were just denied access at the state and local level.
I look forward to the cognitive dissonance and backpedalling in the media when more (and correct) news of this comes out.