So, help me "Escape From NY".

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
So as NY taxes our taxes, I've made the decision to Escape, before they tax my breathing.

Destination: Austin Texas.

I'm about $30,000 short of loading up a truck, tossing the cats in a box, and heading South.

I can sell MT for $40k, but I'm kinda attached to the place and all of y'all.

So, I'm asking for help.

I realize the economy is a mess, uncertainty is at an all time high, and the Mayans said the worlds ending in a year or 2.

Despite that, I think that there's enough good will and good hearts out there to help me get close to my goal.

What can you do to help?
- Become a supporting member.
- Go Gold Key!
- Sponsor a forum, or forums.
- Host with me.
- Hire me to do some photographic work
- Hire me to do some web work for you
- Buy some photo prints.
- Spread the word about MT, and bring in others who will do the same.

Every bit helps.

I have 5 months to hit this goal, lest I be stuck here another year.

As always, thank you for making MT one hell of a great community, and one of the best there is!
Best of luck Bob. As you know I'm also not in NY at the moment.

It would probably be cheaper to move to a closer state. Nebraska is nice.
But Nebraska has snow, which I'm allergic to. :(
But Nebraska has snow, which I'm allergic to. :(

So does New York and Texas. And there is no snow right now anyways. Infact, the Omaha area mostly gets snow in January. It's normally gone by Feb.
But Nebraska and NY get feet of snow. I can handle a dusting, which is all I believe the Austin area gets. Course, I'd still love to visit in the summer or fall.

2010, gotta do a couple months on the road doing photography.
I second that Bob. A good site like MT, deserves the support of all it’s members, in word and deed. Becoming a supporting member is a pretty cheap date, and enjoyed by all.
Bob, I was looking at the Supporting Membership page and regular supporting membership, gold key, and business are listed, but what about lifetime? What is the cost for that? Thanks and best of luck making it to Austin. :)
I second that Bob. A good site like MT, deserves the support of all it’s members, in word and deed. Becoming a supporting member is a pretty cheap date, and enjoyed by all.

Yeah, what he said:bangahead:
Bob, I was looking at the Supporting Membership page and regular supporting membership, gold key, and business are listed, but what about lifetime? What is the cost for that? Thanks and best of luck making it to Austin. :)
I'll update that soon. Thanks for the reminder.
I believe lifetime is $99.95 right now (Says 50 years because of software limits)
I'll update that soon. Thanks for the reminder.
I believe lifetime is $99.95 right now (Says 50 years because of software limits)
Reasons for Texas are many. I liked what I saw there, the economy's a bit better, the people were pretty friendly, and there's a lot of opportunity for me and my soon to be wife. Given my eyes, I need to live somewhere with a fair humidity level, and I'm also looking for a cost of living close to what I'm used to. With most of my photography being outdoors, the longer summer means more shoot time, and I seem to work better in hot than cold. There's alot of other nice areas around the country, but for now, TX is the destination.
I'll live in Nebraska when pigs fly. I've lived in 7 countries and many of the world's great cities and have been in NY for the past 12, NE is more than a step down man.

Whats wrong with Nebraska?
I'll also sell "Absolution" at $1500 a pop.
"Absolution" is this thing, it erases all IC points, and gives you a clean slate.

A "Power Up" is $1,000.
"Power Up" gives you 30 days no IC's (unless you break the law)
Whats wrong with Nebraska?

Aside from the fact that I'm a music journalist so living in Nebraska would effectively take me out of the my field? Not much, just that as a musician and journalist there are certain cities that are better for work. New York, LA, Boston, Nashville, New Orleans. Outside of those I might as well be interviewing bar bands.
Aside from the fact that I'm a music journalist so living in Nebraska would effectively take me out of the my field?

That is the kind of thing you should mention before insulting someones home state. Aside from that, Omaha has more then Bar Bands. We have one of the largest Local scenes in the country. Something many of us are proud of.

If you're ever in the Omaha area (vacation say), drop by sometime. I'll introduce you to some people.
In some industries, anything outside LA or NYC is bad.

Me, I need lots of sun, lack of snow, and lots of open land. That eliminates a lot of the US.