So, good martial arts mags and periodicals?

We desperately need the kind of impartial quality control of MA information that JAMA provides. Open any issue and you'll see immediately that this periodical, unlike all but one or two others in the field, isn't a delivery vehicle for advertising messages... what will happen if it folds? There is a huge amount of rethinking and restudying of old evidence, and display of new findings, that's needed in MAs so that we know where where we really came from, as vs. the comfortable just-so stories of people with nationalist agendas, or the fantasies circulated by promoters of politically-correct origin myths about combat methods. JAMA so far has been the one place where this work, the best-documented and most solidly based out there, could get a hearing. I would so hate for it to go down the tube....

I hope it stays it is the best out there IMO and the only one I have a subscription to
WMA Illustrated

A new quartely periodical about Western Martial Arts, from Pugilism to Rapier to German longsword and beyond. Very few ads, and those ads that are there are for products well worth knowing about.

Best regards,

And didn't have articles written by students of the Instructors they are interviewing. You're writing an article about your Instructor and you expect me to believe it's impartial? I don't think so.
Also, how many of these articles are written by Insructors just trying to get publicity for their school (-cough cough-Tae Kwon Do Times-cough cough).

:highfive:OMG, Tell me about it! It is really sad too - we still don't have a good TKD magazine. There are a few decent articles in there every now and then, and I think that it is good that they put in a section on Korean culture. However, I hate reading about so-and-so's school, how they train, why their school is the best, etc. etc. I'll pick up an issue of black belt every now and then when there is a really good article, but I avoid it for the most part. Too many ads and the attempts at being politically correct are nearly over the top. I like CFA, but that is probably just the budoka in me. I like kung fu tai chi magazine, too. You just can't pass up a free dvd, and I enjoy many of the articles. I don't practice kung fu, but there are a lot of little nuggets of timeless wisdom within the articles. JAMA is a no-brainer. It is a little on the pricey side, but you get more than your money's worth. Masters is awesome, too. No magazine is perfect, I guess. The hard realities of capitalism most certainly have a lot to do with the would-you-like-to-read-some-magazine-with-your-ads phenomenon as I like to call it.
I do like JAMA'a scholarly approach-it's not an easy read. Kinda like the Wall Street Journal for martial arts. I do think it tends to ignore the Korean arts in favor of Japanese and Chinese arts.
Every month, I pick up the new issue of TKDT hoping to find an interesting article, something I can use. Almost always, it is the same mediocre authors contributing. Not to mention the mandatory articles about cute kids in Tae Kwon Do. No offense, but I could care less about cute Tae Kwon Do kids.
But you're right-there really is no good American Tae Kwon Do magazine.
I like JAMA...but admit to being biased. I'll read the quarterly issue with a cup of coffee at the local Barne's and Noble...but I only buy the issues with articles written by particular authors.
My problem with all these magazines is that every writer is always interviewing those that pay to have there views in there or like Youngman has said, they have student interviewing them which just kills the whole thing. We need magizines that are just that facts about the Arts and who is really who out there, not those self proclaimed GM or Soke's, but true instructors that teach everyday and not having underbelts doing it.

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