But they are not the same certification. Electricians, plumbers, orthopedics, gynecologists, etc..., all have different training and certification. There are one man companies up to mega corporations so size is not a leading factor. In some professions there are layers in broad brush strokes, bachelors in whatever for example, but I see no reason there could not be something similar for different styles. There are specialty fields in every skilled trade I can think of so why can't there be "specialist" or unique styles within a given system?It would be more problematic than that. Imagine if the same system of certification were to be applied to electricians, plumbers, and general contractors. That's not far from analogous to trying to include TKD, BJJ, and Aikido in the same system. At best, you'd need a separate system for each group of arts. And how do you account (in that system) for un-aligned ranks (10-yr shodan vs 3-yr shodan)? I don't really think it's workable. And if it were imposed, it would drive folks to stay within larger organizations, reducing the evolution that happens as groups split.