Siu nim tau - to destress!!!!

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Heard from my most recent Wing Chun Shifu yesterday. I had not been to class in months. I also have not even done Siu Nim Tao in a little over a month. I've been focusing on Taijiquan and exercise. My shifu sent me an email to make sure I was OK and invite me to his Chinese New Year party. And that got me to practice Siu Nim Tau today.

I have been dealing with a stressful decisions these days and using Taijiquan and exercise to destress, Today I was getting a bit more stressed than usual so I went to train. The very first thing I did was Siu Num Tau and I was incredibly surprised and how focused and centered it left me. It also reduced my stress levels considerably, even more that Taijiquan.

Could be because I've done taiji for over 30 years and parts I likely go on autopilot at times, and siu nim tau takes more concentration for me, but either way, I am glad to be back at a little Wing Chun, it just felt right this evening.

I really have to get back to training with my shifu. Not to take away from the other people teaching Wing Chun in my area, but for me, this shifu is the best, at least for me, in my area
Heard from my most recent Wing Chun Shifu yesterday. I had not been to class in months. I also have not even done Siu Nim Tao in a little over a month. I've been focusing on Taijiquan and exercise. My shifu sent me an email to make sure I was OK and invite me to his Chinese New Year party. And that got me to practice Siu Nim Tau today.

I have been dealing with a stressful decisions these days and using Taijiquan and exercise to destress, Today I was getting a bit more stressed than usual so I went to train. The very first thing I did was Siu Num Tau and I was incredibly surprised and how focused and centered it left me. It also reduced my stress levels considerably, even more that Taijiquan.

Could be because I've done taiji for over 30 years and parts I likely go on autopilot at times, and siu nim tau takes more concentration for me, but either way, I am glad to be back at a little Wing Chun, it just felt right this evening.

I really have to get back to training with my shifu. Not to take away from the other people teaching Wing Chun in my area, but for me, this shifu is the best, at least for me, in my area
Sometimes it's not about the martial arts but about the relationships that we build. Your shifu probably misses your presence. You probably have a good affect in his life.
Could be because I've done taiji for over 30 years and parts I likely go on autopilot at times, and siu nim tau takes more concentration for me, but either way, I am glad to be back at a little Wing Chun, it just felt right this evening.
As for this part. I find that thing like this often happens when we step away from something and then come back. People who live in the same neighborhood all their life do not see the neighborhood the same way that those who left the neighborhood and came back see it. You left the neighborhood and came back. So your approach is no longer the same as it would be for someone who has never left. I always find it beneficial to take a break from Jow Ga and then come back to it. It helps me reset my mind and keeps me from grinding approaches that may not have been the most productive.

Sort of like working out difficult problem. Sometimes it's just best to step a way from the problem for a bit and then come back.

Funny timing... I might actually be revisiting my old dojo soon. Just train with them for special event training sessions, have been wanting to reconnect with my old karate family, and my old instructor played a pivotal role in my development and life. The relationships we build indeed :)
The very first thing I did was Siu Num Tau and I was incredibly surprised and how focused and centered it left me. It also reduced my stress levels considerably, even more that Taijiquan.

That's cool!
Just curious, do the other wing chun forms not have the same effect when you train them?
That's cool!
Just curious, do the other wing chun forms not have the same effect when you train them?

I will say no, because that is the only Wing Chun form I know. I do have several drills I can work with, but all I have is siu nim tau. And I have learned siu nium tau from 3 different people at this point, one from an entirely different lineage, another from a similar lineage and my current shifu. He has changed it, with the permission of his shifu, and I like it best of the 3
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As a note, if anyone saw my previous post before I changed it. nd I changed it because I relaized I had seriously misunderstood what was asked

this was my previous post, and did not at all answer the question that @wckf92 asked

"He has changed the forms a bit, with the permission of his (late) Shifu.

This shifu has an extensive background in Wing Chun and comes from the same lineage of others I trained with. However he also has an extensive background in another southern style, and he incorporates the qinna and shuijiao of that style, where it fits, in Wing Chun. And he has done this with permission of his (late) shifu. I have actually trained with 3 other I have trained with 3 others of that lineage (only 1 of those has a school) and all 3 always told me that I need to go train with this shifu. He also is the only one teaching wing chun in this area that has sparing. Saw him work with a student for 30 minutes, sparing, when he was done he came over to me, with as much energy as he had when he began, and went over siu lim tau.

If I had spared like that for 30 minutes, I'd have been laying on the floor gasping for air....."

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