Purple Belt
Ok last night I was going out to meet a friend of mine. The parking lot by my apartment is poorly lit and there's a short bridge that goes over a creek. Standing on the bridge were 6 thuggish looking people, three on each side. As I get closer they look at me, one stares at me and mumbles about wanting to fight, and the six kind of block my way. Adrenaline starts pumping, I take a quick look and all their hands are visible, no one moving toward a pocket or behind the back, so without breaking stride I put on a "fight face" and hard penetrating gaze and continue walking toward them. I get closer and they back off and make way for me to go through. I as I pass between them three to each side of me, I swear that I could almost feel the hate from their eyes. After passing the bridge and getting to my truck I see that they're still staring at me.
Looking in hind sight, walking through their midst might not have been the best idea. The reason why I did at that time was because as soon as the adrenaline started pumping my thoughts went straight to thinking how to neutralize the threat that had appeared in front of me, I had forgot about walking the long route to the other side of the parking lot in order to avoid a possible confrontation. I got lucky that they backed down, otherwise things could have gotten bad for all of us there. In a situation like this what would you have done differently?
A bit of background, we have lived in that area for some time, but since about half a year ago, we get more and more crimes committed against us, slowly escalating. at first was our truck being egged, then glass and sharp objects in the wheel, and escalating to sometimes they try to intimidate while walking to and from the parking lot, but this was the first time being confronted in this manner.
Looking in hind sight, walking through their midst might not have been the best idea. The reason why I did at that time was because as soon as the adrenaline started pumping my thoughts went straight to thinking how to neutralize the threat that had appeared in front of me, I had forgot about walking the long route to the other side of the parking lot in order to avoid a possible confrontation. I got lucky that they backed down, otherwise things could have gotten bad for all of us there. In a situation like this what would you have done differently?
A bit of background, we have lived in that area for some time, but since about half a year ago, we get more and more crimes committed against us, slowly escalating. at first was our truck being egged, then glass and sharp objects in the wheel, and escalating to sometimes they try to intimidate while walking to and from the parking lot, but this was the first time being confronted in this manner.