The importance of the side step


2nd Black Belt
So there I was working as a cart pusher late at night. It was dark and I was tired. A car decides to back up into their parking space going 2-3 times faster than it was safe to do. The car comes toward me and I side step it without thinking, a totally reflexive action. The car grazes my brightly colored, reflective safety vest but does not impact my body. A shopper who witnesses it asks me if I'm alright, "yes" I respond, thoroughly awakened from the adrenalin dump at the moment. The people in the car that nearly hits me says nothing to me at all, they don't even look my way, they exit the car and walk towards the store.

I've worked in security for over 15 years and have never used any of my martial arts training, but the sidestep that moment saved my posterior. Self defense includes more than an attacker coming after you, it includes avoiding idiot drivers. And while my martial arts level is very much that of a beginner, my sidestep has been tested, I passed.

Although, I'm more than a bit peeved at the jerks who were so self absorbed or embarrassed and cowardly that they couldn't even say "sorry" for almost injuring you??!?!?!?!
Hello, Glad you are seems your MA training has help you survival this one...incident.

Moving out of the way.....ONE big lesson...avoidance!!!

We believe everyone has a story how "moving" out of the way..has save there lives in one way or another..

Aloha, "ducking" helps too! ...chinese duck...tasty!

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