Sin's Tournament story


2nd Black Belt
Ok this past weekend i went to a open tournament that was set up by a TAEKWONDO school. So i entered it was $15 and well I had a blast....I did my wepions kata intermediate for my tonfa and i WON SECOND PLACE. then i pretty much waited till my next event witch took forever cause it was a TaeKwonDo Tourny so there was a lot of open hand katas too. once they got to my event i was ready to are the Rules for sparring

1.) no shots below the belt or in the back
2.) No grappling
3.) had to wear foot pads gloves helmet with face cage and a cup (of course)\
4.) Played to 5 pts or the ost pts after 5 min.

i belive that is all of them.

Anywho the first guy I clobered cause I only fight full contact and I didn't pull any punchs......he kicked and missed andfell ino a power hand... i was told to kneel and face the other way...i didn't know what that was all about so maybe you guys could help me out. Well I saw the tape of the fight and they guy looked like he was gonna fall flat on his face and at the time that they had me kneel i was still good to go with 3 pts to his 1 pt. after the kneeling it was a mater of time cause he only got one more point and then i finshed up the five and wont he match........

The next round was between me a 6 ft guy aginst a 6'9 giant. this guy was offence to you big gus outt here but it was just reallt hard for met o get around his big 100 lb leg. Anyways this is where all the politics happened. this kid was from he dchool that wsa holding this compittion and everyone was rooting for him and i was the nderdog...although when it came down to it we where both tied at 4 and fighting into overtime. i was fatiged from locking all those kicks and he mad the final blow...well it was more of a tap cause he was really tired too... i almost won 1st place in my devision in sparring but i won 2ed and that ain't bad for my first tounament...EVER. i just hope i can face him again next time. :asian:
Good job, Sin!

That's funny...I just went to my first tourney Saturday and it was hosted by a man named Sin...Shaolin-do Grandmaster Sin The.' I didn't rank as high as second place, though, heh. I did go three rounds though, and ran out of steam. I thought I was in better shape.
Tournaments are fun but filled with politics sometimes.
The fact that you both won a few rounds is great. Learn from the experence and try to improve on the aspects that cost you points.
Remember depending on the judges background some call points faster for feet some for hands.
I am going to another Tournament NOV 6th at the same place...wis me luck

Is there a way that i/admins can put an icon on here showing my victories
Hi Sin,

The "turn and kneel" after you cause an injury is pretty common at different circuits. It is designed to make it so you cannot look down, stare, or generally play mind games on your opponent if he/she is laid out or bleeding or whatever. It also stops you from conferring with your coach (if you have one) while your opponent is getting tended to.


PS: Congratulations on the tournament.
Sin said:
The next round was between me a 6 ft guy aginst a 6'9 giant. this guy was offence to you big gus outt here but it was just reallt hard for met o get around his big 100 lb leg. Anyways this is where all the politics happened. this kid was from he dchool that wsa holding this compittion and everyone was rooting for him and i was the nderdog...although when it came down to it we where both tied at 4 and fighting into overtime. i was fatiged from locking all those kicks and he mad the final blow...well it was more of a tap cause he was really tired too... i almost won 1st place in my devision in sparring but i won 2ed and that ain't bad for my first tounament...EVER. i just hope i can face him again next time. :asian:

What was the politics? Them rooting for the guy? Doesn't sound like it was scored unfairly by your comments which is usually when complaints of politics arise.
one more thing about the kneeling, it is a bit of a respect thing. As for knockin the first guy around, that's great and all but, your in a different game when your at a point tournament. I would suggest working more speed with less power for the lower level point tournaments. When you get to the bigger stuff they usually allow more contact, but if you hit too hard you can get into trouble. Remember, unless your on the street, it's all a game and you have to play by the rules. even full contact is a game, it has rules even if they are few.

I don't mean to sound like I'm preaching or coming down on ya, just trying to let you know in case you get into the situation in which you shouldn't be knocking the poor guys out.

Good job and good luck in the future.
i did scarafice strength for speed and ...I hit real solid......Now the politics was mostly in the Weapions i lost to a student at the school that was hosting the like 3 was kinda weak...and i would never play mind games with my opponnet......also i looked at the tape that my sensei had recorded my fights on......the owner of the school was coaching both guys i had to fight.....and coaching is agaist the rules of the tournament. Poltics I tell you :idunno:
MichiganTKD said:
What exactly is Shaolin-do anyway?
Well, here's a website to start, but I'll try to describe it in my own words, too:

Shaolin-do is a traditional martial art that's about 2400 years old, I believe. It consists of over 900 kata from the different Shaolin temples of China and combines self-defense, animal forms, kata, hand-to-hand techniques, energy, weapons, meditation, and tradition, although some of those aren't learned until later levels.

At the brown belt level, we start learning meditiation and strengthening through an Iron Man kata, which some other styles also have some form of. At the black belt level (which I am not yet), we start with T'ai Chi. The forms combine different styles such as Preying Mantis, White Crane, Long Fist, Monkey, Drunken, Tai Chi, Hsing I, Hua, Pa Kua, and weapons such as 2- and 3-sectional staff, chain whip, several types of swords, many polearms such as spear and Kuando (sp?).

Grand Master Sin The' started in Lexington, KY and came from China. I am just starting to learn some of the history of the style, though. There are many schools across the US, but they are more concentrated around Kentucky, since that's where he started. There are also many other schools with the name Shaolin in their title, but I'm not sure how they're related. Maybe they broke off or maybe they specialize in the teachings of a certain temple. Maybe we could start a new thred and someone could help out on that one. PM me if you have other questions and I'll try to answer them.
I would love to try out some Sholin martial just looks so gracful.....i wonder what would of happened if i started using it at that tournament??? Hmmm :idunno:
You'd have won for sure! LOL, just kidding. I highly recommend it, although it doesn't get into the graceful stuff until around blue belt level when you start to learn bird forms. The first two belts are mainly self-defense moves and basic punching/kicking and the bo staff and linera kata, but it's great exercise too at those levels. The second long form is a tiger form, though amd although it's not exactly graceful, it is fierce and cool-looking. You need patience for Shaolin-do, but it pays off.
Sin, I'm glad you had a good tournament experience and although it seemed like politics, it doesn't sound like it to me. I don't care for when others are shouting in the background during a match. Our master who puts on our tournaments doesn't permit it. But there are coaches that come with their students who get really competitive. Since our master is the tourney organizer, he can't also be a coach to the home team so I don't really think that is fair for all. I think they should train before and coaches leave them to the match. But I do know that in nationals, official coaches are very much allowed and use hand signals to their students.

As for the punch in the face, that is not allowed. You may have had point deduction because of that, also a warning, because even if it was accidental, it is not allowed. Only foot technique to the head is allowed. Two-three points are awarded for foot technique. One point for hand. But you said there were headgear with cages so I don't understand what harm a punch you do with that on. Was the other competitor hurt with a cage on? My school uses cages now for all the upper rank so we punch to the head but only in the dojang not at tournaments.

Every Taekwondo tournament that I've gone to has had weapons competition. TW
What were the tournament rules if it was an open tournament? The face cages'd indicate they anticipated some punching...

1.) Light Contact
2.) No Sweeps or low blows (EX: Theigh kicks, knees, etc)
3.) All points are made above the belt and in th front and sides of the body..(No back or kidney shots)

Thats all I can think of right now/all i can rememmber

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