I would suggest that it is not 'government' involvement, but rather two other parties involvment that causes the cost crisis.
Insurance Companies
Pharmaceutical Companies
I believe that involvement by the government would drastically reduce costs ... see medicare, it is an incredibly efficient system of delivering health care.
I work in an insurance related field (auto insurance, not health insurance), and this is my opinion and experience from personal observation.
I would have to agree with this. The simple fact, as it seems to me, is that a paying system is not working. It has gotten pretty ridicules in our country, at this point. However, we look at countries with less money then we have, and they can make a universal system work. So, this isn't a speculative idea where we can make predictions like "if we move to a universal system, people will go broke from taxes" or "if we do that, we will be further enslaved by our government," and so forth, because that hasn't been the end result in other countries. This is being done, and it seems to be working.
Further, we do this in the military. The military is like one huge universal HC system. So I know that we could make this work on a larger scale.
I am all for a limited Government, and I definitaly want the power to be in the hands of the people. I am very libritarian and an individualist. But, individualism only goes so far, and that is why we have governments and not an anarchical system. I believe that Governments serve 2 very related purposes: to keep us safe and to keep us free. I think that "free-market" ideals are out the window when it comes to safety or protecting our rights and freedoms. I wouldn't, for example, want healthy competition in the market place with the fire dept. or police dept. where it is all privatized and I pay one group or another, or none at all nad I don't get service. That is ridicules, and we know it, so we have government run fire and police dept. because these are safety issues. Well, I think that healthcare is a safety issue as well, and that it shouldn't be limited to only those who can afford it. Add that to the fact that it is working in other countries, and that people in other countries pay far less per person (including taxes to run the system) then we do in our current system, that seals the deal for me.
Plus, keep in mind that you need healthy competition for a free market system to work. In our system, we do not have this, and big pharma and insurance has run a monopoly on our healthcare system, and have driven the prices far higher rather then lower.
I do think that we need to do a system that would be uniquely ours, and that would take into consideration research and development. But I think that it should be nationalized to at least some degree. I think that we have the wealth and the creativity to do this in a better way then it is being done even in Europe.