If it doesn't hurt anyone, besides the user, knowingly using the substance, then why not make it legal. Its there body they can do what they want with it. Any other crime commited while on the substance, is completely seperate.
I'm sorry, that's your opinion that it doesn't hurt anyone.
And again, if the logic is valid, then the same can be said for heroin and meth and so on. The people who make this argument never want to answer that question.
Child molesters actually hurt people, a majority of pot smokers, do not.
Again, your opinion. And we also put people in prison who do not 'hurt people' such as white collar criminals, those who traffic in other controlled substances such as heroin, and so on. The logic is not valid. Just because a person doesn't 'hurt anyone' is not a logical reason the substance they use should be legal.
Sex trafficking is illegal because it hurts people. Personally I think prostatution should be legal, but thats a different story and argument, as long as they "workers" are working on there own free will.
You discount the damage done to the fabric of society as if society could withstand every assault on it. If this were the case, it should be perfectly legal to copulate in the streets. It hurts no one, it's their own free will, etc, etc. There are many things which are illegal and we want them to remain that way, even though they 'hurt no one'. I'm sorry, it is not a logical reason.
Black market cigs...honestly I don't really know what you mean by that. Homemade maybe?
Sorry, not everyone has a law-enforcement background. Yes, black market cigarettes, but not homemade. When a pack of smokes costs $4 in NC and $11 in NYC, there is a thriving market for them and people transport them by the truckloads from one place to another. My point is that if the economic profit motive is a logical reason to legalize pot, then so is the government getting involved in cigarette smuggling between states. They could make a bundle.
My logic is VERY valid..because I don't belive in making ANY drugs illegal. Would I do them, no, do I think that people should get help for addictions, yes. But do I think that every person is responsible for themselves, of course I do. You just shouldn't be able to come whining to big brothe when your broke and sick from abusing your body. Per the constitution, as long as the user isn't hurting anyone, but themselves...they have the right to do as they wish, all other crimes would be handled seperately as they are seperate. Drugs don't commit crimes, people do.
We disagree. And most people who are for the legalization of pot are not for the legalization of 'harder' drugs as you are. The Libertarian Party itself, which is the strongest proponent of legalizing all drugs, is a scan few percentage of the entire population. You're in the distinct minority.
My girlfriends mother is a Cancer research scientist. She tells me that pot eases the symptoms of someone dying of cancer. Among other Illnesses, such as Chrone's desise, Arthritis, Irritable Bowel syndrom, Anxity, and depression. Pot is a fantastic substance for those people, and thats just the tip of the Iceburg.
I'm sure it is. So is Morphine. Can you buy morphine legally on the street without a prescription? I have no problems with actual medical marijuana. I do have problems with so-called 'medical' marijuana which is just a ruse to cover recreational use, as it is in California.
I will agree with you that there needs to be more research done on the subject. Of course if thats what you meant about opinions unsupported with facts. More research is always good, because it really won't hurt anyone...besides of course, the generation that belives in refer madness..lol...they might be a bit freaked out, because I can almost garentee you, the more research we do, the more were going to find out that Mary-J really isn't that bad after all.
I don't care if pot is a 'bad thing' or not. Research is great - I'm sure there are many medical uses for pot, and low-THC hemp should be raised as a cash crop like cotton. Beyond that, I want it to remain illegal for recreational use.