Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Again, I feel that the cigarettes are a non issue being that they are declining in popularity...the mobs/black market isn't making a killing off of them like they do pot..they just don't.
and the fireworks was just an attempt at an analogy...people are going to get hurt either way you look at it...as someone said before...You can't legislate stupid.
It is not a non-issue, it is an inconvenient one based on what I have read in this thread, cigarettes are still pretty high up on the cause of death charts as far as health is concerned and they are still around and not going out of business anytime soon. You can ignore it, call it a non-issue but it is parallel to the whole legalize Marijuana point of view. Assuming that cigarettes go away then marijuana drops right in (if legalized) to fill the void for organized crime. Crime does not go away, it gets displaced and or changes to fit the times.... just ask any criminologist
But then you know what, you are young and I was all for legalization when I was young and now I am old and just don’t see it as something I wasn’t or something that will happen anytime soon. The whole lets legalize marijuana thing to me is just this side of tilting at windmills and you are never going to convince me otherwise and I will never be able to convince you either... but you know what… wait about 20 or 30 years and I am betting that time and experience will change your mind
This entire post is growing tiresome... now is the time on Sprokets when we dance
I’m out
Have fun storming the castle….
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