I love Obamacare!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I have changed my mind. I love Obamacare now. I can't wait until my employer decides to drop employee health care coverage and pay a per-head penalty to the government instead (since it will be much cheaper for them to do so). That will force me into the private health insurance market, and the Supreme Court has determined that the 'individual mandate' is Constitutional, but that's OK.

Here's why...


The individual mandate, for example, is a cornerstone of ObamaCare's effort to expand coverage. But tax experts who've studied how the IRS will enforce the mandate conclude that it's likely to be ineffective, because the law makes it virtually impossible for the IRS to collect the tax penalty from those who don't pay it.

Under normal circumstances, the IRS has broad powers to collect taxes from those who don't pay what they owe. It can charge civil and criminal penalties, impose liens, and seize assets and bank accounts.

But ObamaCare specifically blocks the IRS from using these enforcement tools when it comes to collecting any unpaid ObamaCare tax penalties.

These restrictions "make it unlikely the IRS can effectively enforce the individual mandate," according to a detailed analysis of the tax penalty by Jordan Barry and Bryan Camp, law professors at the University of San Diego and Texas Tech University, respectively.

"The individual mandate," they conclude, "may not actually be mandatory after all."

What it means is that if I am forced into the private market and refuse to buy health insurance at all, I will have to pay a tax/penalty to the IRS. But I won't pay; I'll refuse to pay. And the IRS cannot do a thing about it - nothing. They can only send me bills in the mail. Like I care.

Then, if I get sick, I'll just buy health insurance, which is guaranteed to be issued, regardless of my health condition. I'll be covered for the duration that I need health insurance. Then I'll drop my coverage and stop paying again.

Hey, this is terrific! For me, anyway... For the rest of you, well, it sucks to be you.


The above is parody. I realized this morning while reading the article above that an unscrupulous person could do this and get away with it. In fact, there is nothing stopping them. And anyone with half a brain who is young and healthy is going to realize this and take advantage of it.

Speaking for myself, that's not how I roll. And even if I was that unscrupulous, I have diabetes and require medication every day. So I really don't have the option of dropping my health care insurance. What's going to happen to me is that I'll be in the 'sucks to be you' category, because the insurance companies will be insuring far more sick people who do not pay anything like the going rate for insurance based on their income, and the healthy young people won't have insurance, so they won't be paying at all unless they get sick, and my employer will indeed be dropping all employee health care coverage once everything firms up and they find that it costs less per employee to pay the penalty for not offering such coverage than providing it. I'll be forced into the private market, which will be murderously expensive, and no help from Uncle Sugar for me, since I make too much money. Yep, it's going to suck to be me. And millions more people like me.
Shut up you selfsish bastid. 30 million people now have insurance, soon as they find the money to pay for it. It's not about you, it's about the sick children living in poverty, suffering from spinal para boobymanitis. The children, you heartless commie!


(The above is entirely sarcastic, and in no way is a real insult intended for Bill. Just so we're clear on it. I agree with Bill 100% here)

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