Orange Belt
I didn't say that you specifically made such a suggestion. I can only speak for myself and my feelings, unless I am quoting others. The personal pronoun only indicated that I have not made such a suggestion, others may have.elder999 said:Lighten up, Francis.No where in my post did I suggest that you did. I'll add, though, that I prayed in school the entire time I attended, at least to say a blessing over my lunch, and-while it was a long time ago, and it's hard to imagine anyone who noticed taking offense-no one ever knew.
I also prayed in school. Noone knew. Noone was offended. If I had prayed openly, I also don't think that anyone would have been offended, and if they were- tough. Be offended. As long as I am not disrupting class and I do not represent the state and tell others to pray, then there should be no issue.
One of my favorite teachers was my 5th grade teacher- Mrs. Wilson. Before lunch everyday, she would have us bow our heads and say grace before going to the lunch room. I was just a kid, and I loved that woman as my teacher and a role model. I never felt offended because I was living in the Bible Belt at the time and thought that this was sort of normal. I also never mentioned it to my parents. I wasn't trying to hide it, it just didn't occur to me.
Now as an adult, I understand that what she had nothing but good intentions- as I said, she was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known- but it was wrong. She was a Baptist, I was (at the time) Catholic. Prayer and traditions are different and it was not her place to require us to do things her way.
Did it make me a bad person? Did it harm me? Of course not. But that should not be the argument to endorse one faith over another. "Well, it didn't hurt you- so it's ok."
The 10 Commandments, or any other religous icon or tradition, falls into the same catagory. Just because it does not harm me for it to hang on a state wall or sit on the state lawn does not make it right. If I donated Ba'Hai laws or Budhist icons to the courthouse for display, I am sure that I would be shot down.
Government and the business of government should be secular. Government is an entity onto itself. Let it run it's own business without the interference of the masses.