Should Obama be arrested for breaking international laws


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
From the bin laden is dead thread, several European countries believe that the killing of bin laden violated international law. Since several study members would never violate international law by condoning waterboarding, they will surely (don't call me shirley) call for the immediate arrest of President Obama.

****Ordering the killing of unarmed civillians in a soveign nation without recourse to that nations laws or to international law is surely much more serious than waterboarding 3 terrorists. So, the only course of action, to be consistent on their part would be to call for the arrest of President Obama and anyone else involved in ordering the killing of unarmed civillians and the execution, without trial, of a suspected criminal.*****
If he violated the law, which includes any treaties the US may be a party of, yes.
But so should many members of other administrations, all the way back to Jefferson.

Pakistan seems a bit miffed about it, threatening to decrease future cooperation.
By the moral standards set in the other thread, people should now be calling for the impeachment of the President, and then handing him over to the criminal court in the Hague...just to be consistent in their moral stance...Tez?
Good night to one and all. I look forward to seeing President Obama frog marched out of the white house by several posters from It will be a great show.
You're just annoyed that most folks here think laws are to be followed by everyone, not ignored when inconvenient. As to frog marching, lets leave the French out of this. :D
I'm not annoyed at all, it is just watching the mental gymnastics of the other side that I find fascinating.
I have a migraine, a tooth ache, and a serious neck tweak right now. Mental gymnastics isn't what I'd call it.

At least we've moved beyond 10 threads a day on a birth certificate. Now we've got 5 on legalities. It's an improvement.
I tend to differ to President Jefferson for an answer on this matter.
No the international community go screw themselves.
probably not a popular opinion with our international posters here, but I could care less.
Obama and the US do not, and never should answer to the rest of the world.
To be quite honest, I think we already allow way to much power to the rest of the world when it comes to what we do.
Toss that corrupt pile of crap UN nonsense out with with the sewer water as well in my opinion.
If he violated the law, which includes any treaties the US may be a party of, yes.
But so should many members of other administrations, all the way back to Jefferson.

Pakistan seems a bit miffed about it, threatening to decrease future cooperation.

good screw them and the millions we send them every year. I say we cut them off of that money completely and pull any relations out of pakistan and let them go to hell
good screw them and the millions we send them every year. I say we cut them off of that money completely and pull any relations out of pakistan and let them go to hell

Don't be sucked in by billi's temper tantrum! :)

This is the spill over from his attempt to justify unequal dispensing of 'justice'
I'm not annoyed at all, it is just watching the mental gymnastics of the other side that I find fascinating.

You don't just like to watch. You're a mental contortionist yourself :)
We're rank amateurs compared to you.

As to the topic, yes, he broke international law. That is why the PR on this one was so important. Because our politicians are saying 'good job'. Fwiw, your mental filters may be blocking this out because it doesn't match your ideology, but when Bush invaded Afghanistan, he also had our support, despite the lacking of legal niceties.
Even for Iraq, even though he lied about having evidence, Bush was not frogmarched out.
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You don't just like to watch. You're a mental contortionist yourself :)
We're rank amateurs compared to you.

As to the topic, yes, he broke international law. That is why the PR on this one was so important. Because our politicians are saying 'good job'. Fwiw, your mental filters may be blocking this out because it doesn't match your ideology, but when Bush invaded Afghanistan, he also had our support.
The only contortionists I like to watch work, are in that Cirque Solei thing.
Don't be sucked in by billi's temper tantrum! :)

This is the spill over from his attempt to justify unequal dispensing of 'justice'

Lost me... I must not have read another thread somewhere...

but I have been hearing all kinds of talk in lots of places about Pakistan, what they knew, what they didn't...their supposed anger over the incident, etc.etc.
I am so tired of hearing crap about it its not funny..If my numbers are correct we give Pakistan about 1 Billion dollars a year... wtf for? I would rather see the US give that 1 Billion dollars to the state with the most balanced budget to use for whatever the hell it wants to use it for... a billion dollars to a pile of crap country like Pakistan which has basically been turning a blind eye to Osama, and the Taliban, and Al Queda, and all the other nonsense? seems a waste to me.
The only contortionists I like to watch work, are in that Cirque Solei thing.
Personally, I think the US should keep it's word. Period.
Signed treaties, are our word.

I also personally think that the US should pull all support and aid back home, close all bases, and return to an isolationist position, with solid and strong borders and a focus on making America a paradise. Let the Saudi's handle Pakistan. Let the French handle Libya. Let Mexico stay home next week and not send the 6B$ back 'home'. Build a wall, raise the shields, and all that stuff. Build a US shaped biodome over the entire country. :D (Just get rid of Pauly Shore first)
It would be nice if we could have a dscussion on the legalities of this without it turning into a 'hate Obama' and hate 'the lefties' constanstly coming up. Especially when the 'hate the lefties' is directed at certain posters who actually aren't 'lefties' at all.

Looking at the Bin Laden situation it's actually easy to see both sides. Bin Laden ordered the atrocity of 9/11, he should be punished, I totally understand that american want and need to have him hunted down and the satisfaction at his death at the hands of American troops. On the other hand there is a problem if one country's troops have entered a nother country without permission and killed someone there. We may have opened a door we cannot shut because what other will say if what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and be able to 'justify' their acts on British and American soil the same way.

The USA's habit of giving money to governements/countries to bolster 'friendly' regimes has backfired before, whether you continue to give them money is something I think you'll need to look at. Britain's relationship with Pakistan is different, it was part of the Empire, now part of the Commonwealth and we are historically involved with the country.

Billcihak, you need to stop putting words in poster's mouths, stop deciding you know their political views better than they do and stop trying to stir up trouble. It's not big, it's not clever and it's not funny. We can all have good productive discussions on here even with opposing views without the prodding and poking you do to try and make posts seem something they aren't. No 'foreign' poster here is calling for the President to be frogmarched out of office however actions like these have international repercussions, our terrorist alert state has already gone up, so we have the right to discuss what your President does and to be concerned. If he puts your taxes up, makes domestic laws, meddles with your healthcare systems that all domestic but international actions like this affect us, we may be on the end of retaliatory bombing so yes we are going to be questioning the rights and wrongs of this.
If he violated the law, which includes any treaties the US may be a party of, yes.
But so should many members of other administrations, all the way back to Jefferson.

Pakistan seems a bit miffed about it, threatening to decrease future cooperation.


and luckyboxer, i'm sorry beliefs like that would cause problems for americans not fix them. Who really should be able to say Oh screw them, i'm gonna do whatever i want and then proceed to do that.
I'm still stuck on how you can define Osama as an "unarmed civilian" in all of this.