Obama's roving band of assasins

You sound like a spoiled child who has just been told that the Easter Bunny really does not exist...

In case you missed it:

Your fav past time water boarding did not result in usable intel...
Bush himself decided to rather NOT go after Osama bin Laden. More than once.

And the teams? Well, they have existed long before Bush...and will long after Obama...

And as to your 'those policies were wrong under the republican Pres and will be again under the next'
well, those words work the other way around as well.

And lets not forget, there is a House of Representatives...you know, the guys with the (Rep) by their names, and the ones with the (Sen) too. You know the guys that really craft the laws and make or break a term...it's alsys good to keep that in mind.

But for now you are just mad that OMG OBAMA actually pulled through on a tough decision, one his predecessor did not...who happened to be republican.

And let's not forget which party has controlled BOTH the house and senate until recently, regarless of the presidents party affiliation! To be honest with you, i'm getting sick of both parties!
And let's not forget which party has controlled BOTH the house and senate until recently, regarless of the presidents party affiliation! To be honest with you, i'm getting sick of both parties!

I kinda lost track, but then again, you could shove the lot of them in one sack, you would never hit a wrong one swatting at it with a stick....(or in this case a good one...blech)
Yes, I am sooo completely cool with rogue military units doing whatever they want to whoever they want for profit or for just plain good old fun. Why have any oversite at all. No oversite means you save some tax money. Train em and let em lose, don't look back. Since a stopped clock is right twice a day, maybe if these rogue units are allowed to kill and plunder willy nilly, they will accidentally do something for the good of humanity. It would be like the monkeys at the typewriters typing out the complete works of Shakespeare, but this would be with bullets and grenades. That is just toooo cooool. You know?
Yes, I am sooo completely cool with rogue military units doing whatever they want to whoever they want for profit or for just plain good old fun. Why have any oversite at all. No oversite means you save some tax money. Train em and let em lose, don't look back. Since a stopped clock is right twice a day, maybe if these rogue units are allowed to kill and plunder willy nilly, they will accidentally do something for the good of humanity. It would be like the monkeys at the typewriters typing out the complete works of Shakespeare, but this would be with bullets and grenades. That is just toooo cooool. You know?

Why would an oversite, which is a layer of concrete poured to seal the earth under the ground floor of a house, help anything? Are you trying to bury something?

And what do you have angainst poor Willy Nilly that you want his persecuted so, is he one of your dreaded lefties that are going to take over the world?
Yes, I am sooo completely cool with rogue military units doing whatever they want to whoever they want for profit or for just plain good old fun. Why have any oversite at all. No oversite means you save some tax money. Train em and let em lose, don't look back. Since a stopped clock is right twice a day, maybe if these rogue units are allowed to kill and plunder willy nilly, they will accidentally do something for the good of humanity. It would be like the monkeys at the typewriters typing out the complete works of Shakespeare, but this would be with bullets and grenades. That is just toooo cooool. You know?

No more Xbox for you, young man!