Shotokan practitioners?

Hello All,
I was just wondering how many Shotokan people there are here.
How long have you been studying?
Who is your Sensei?
What's your lineage?
Why did you start Shotokan?
And finally:
What are your thoughts on Shotokan?
Thanks in advance for any replies...

I am currently studying Shotokan. My Sensei is Gyuszi Suto who immigrated from Romania as well as Sensei Rich Rice. We are part of the AAKF and ITKF which followed the late Nishiyama's teachings which tend to be very traditional. I started Shotokan strictly for financial reasons. After my twin sons were born, I could no longer afford the $100 a month for Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu training. My work place had Shotokan which only costs me $75 a year. So far I like it. Its a little difficult going from the flowing/fluid mindset of the Bujinkan to the structure of Shotokan, but not terrible. I think Shotokan is often wrongly maligned due to the number of low quality dojos (McDojo) there are as well as how limited in technique it seems on the surface. However, if you look at the writing of Funakoshi and Nishiyama, you see many techniques that some would not associate with Shotokan. I do miss all the weapon training of Budo Taijutsu though and wish Shotokan at least tought the Bo or Jo.

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