This happened at Glendale:,0,483398.story?track=rss
I don't fault the officers for taking the correct action. They did the job they were assigned to do, and did it well.
My question is this: apparently, since there are quite a few occurrences of fleeing criminals trying to enter military bases, is there some sort of urban legend / belief amongst them, that they get sanctuary on a military base?
It just doesn't make any sense to me...,0,483398.story?track=rss
GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Authorities say two men were shot by security officers after they drove a stolen car through a gate at an Air Force base outside Phoenix during a police chase.
Officials say one of the men died and the other was wounded.
The crash occurred at the entrance to Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, outside Phoenix. The base trains pilots to fly F-16s.
Base spokesman Capt. Jerry Gonzalez said the pair allegedly stole a car and drove through a security gate as they attempted to flee from authorities.
I don't fault the officers for taking the correct action. They did the job they were assigned to do, and did it well.
My question is this: apparently, since there are quite a few occurrences of fleeing criminals trying to enter military bases, is there some sort of urban legend / belief amongst them, that they get sanctuary on a military base?
It just doesn't make any sense to me...