


i didnt know where to put this thread, but i was wondering if any of you know where i could find a pair of shoes for martial arts? i didnt know if there were any really good ones.
i saw a pair in a magazine that said with these shoes you can fly. i dont know what they are called though. if you know what they are called please let me kniow
how about those kung fu shoes? are they any good?
No!! They don't support and when you kick they go flying!
Not sure what you are asking.

When you say "for martial arts" are you talking about a shoe for use on mats?
On carpeting? On hardwood? On concrete?
Are you asking about the best cross-trainer? The best running shoe for road work? Or are you looking for the cheapest footwear you can find?

I know one shoe I would NOT advise and those are the cheap slippers with the hard (Neopreme?) soles. They were very popular years back because you could spin on a dime, but the same lack of tack also made them particularly dangerous on hard surfaces. FWIW.

Best Wishes,
Levi said:
i didnt know where to put this thread, but i was wondering if any of you know where i could find a pair of shoes for martial arts? i didnt know if there were any really good ones.
i saw a pair in a magazine that said with these shoes you can fly. i dont know what they are called though. if you know what they are called please let me kniow
You might try Otomix, they are on line, and mine have held up very well. See there footware section at

I found my shoes pretty cheap at Karate Depot. While we're on the subject of shoes, how do you keep them from slipping on a hard surface (when stretching)? I have to fight to keep from doing a split- although I could probably do one, but not in the mood to find out that way. Then again, the "fight" is a new way to strenghthen your thighs :p!
From personal experiance, Wrestling shoes work pretty good.
Since I wrestled in high school, and I graduated last year, I have several pair of wrestling shoes (one pair almost band new).
I no longer wrestle anymore, and yet I have all these shoes, so I decided to try them out for TKD training.
They seem to stick well to wood serfaces and dont slip very easy, and of course they do good on carpet as well.
I never really have tried any MA shoes like the ones made specially for TKD, so I couldn't tell ya how well they work.
just something to consider.

- Hwoarang_tkd26
Myself I perfer the shoes from OTOMIX or PINE TREE..
adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas adidas

Did I mention Adidas?

The Adidas 2000 shoes are very good and wear well. But, they seem like they run just a tad bit small.

The Pine Tree shoes are very comfortable and last well. They also are cheaper than Adidas.

Nike may be coming out with a TKD shoe. I met a Nike shoe rep who was scouting out the competition recently.

I've had a couple pairs of martial arts shoes...

Now I got wrestling ones and have seen the light.

Look for a wrestling supply site, there are many, and get a pair of those is my reccomendation.

Better ankle support, better grip, still very light and very mobile.
Well, I've been wearing those old fashioned black cloth "kung-fu" slippers with some kind of brown plastic soles for around 25 years....when I wear shoes. They are fine on the particular type of carpet I usually practice on, but are like being on ice on polished hardwood, cement, and some kinds of carpet. I tried Optomix a few years ago and promptly twisted a knee when trying to turn for a kick....they stuck to carpet like glue!
um why would you want shoes i just go bare foot?
BrandiJo said:
um why would you want shoes i just go bare foot?
I like to were shoes just for tornaments, seminars, and demonstrations, but never for class (just bare foot).
Some people such as myself dont exactly have the toughest feet, and going to all day tornaments with out shoes makes me miserable by the end of the day.
Plus I personaly was born with very low arches in my feet, so my feet dont have very much suport, so standing for long periods of time really gets to me.
My feet are good for walking, running, and Kicking, not standing.
Thats why I wear shoes sometimes for MA activities.

- Hwoarang_tkd26
I'm with BrandiJo. What's with this shoe thing?
I do have an answer for tkdgirl, though with bare feet:

tkdgirl said:
While we're on the subject of shoes, how do you keep them from slipping on a hard surface (when stretching)? I have to fight to keep from doing a split- although I could probably do one, but not in the mood to find out that way. Then again, the "fight" is a new way to strenghthen your thighs :p!
When stretching on a hard surface (like a wooden gym floor) with bare feet, the problem usually is that your feet grip too much. Unless your feet tend to sweat. Mine don't. The solution to this problem is rubbing some dirt or dust onto your soles. Step outside into the flower bed (or whatever) and grind it in. Of couse you don't want a lot; the instructor won't be happy :mp5:

Anyway, that's my $0.02


The barefoot is how you have to be in some of the Dojos.

I have been thinking about shoes lately because so many others are doing it.

I am just the opposite of hwoarang, I have a high arch...

I checked out the website of Disipline, sounds good (but I had some adidas, very good shoe)...Plus they are hard to get a hold of...

I will continue in my search, anymore information would be helpful..

Thanks for the information..Regards, Gary
BrandiJo said:
um why would you want shoes i just go bare foot?

Mainly because not all surfaces are equally suited to training without shoes. My garage for example. A concrete floor that tend to accumulate a lot of pebbles, and vast amounts of dirt. Noth worth gouging a divot out of my sole and risking infection etc if I can use a quality MA shoe instead.

The question becomes completely different in the dojang, but for training on my own on inconsistant surfaces, I'll with the shoes. That, and it's good practice to get used to how the dynamics of kicking shift when you're wearing shoes. A random thug's not gonna wait for you to take your shoes off after all.