tkd shoes


Senior Master
Well due to my big toe (lefth foot) almost torn away a few weeks ago, I bought a pair of TKD shoes, I've been using them even I don't like them. I don't like them cause the friction beetwen the shoes sole and the training mat is high and some kicks like the full round house to the head and the spining kicks I perfom them not so well versus the same kicks bare feet, however I need to use the shoes.

Last night I took them out to see if I could kick with my hurt lefth foot and I could not, when I kicked the palchagui (hand mitt) wihtout he shoe a terrible paing stung me in my toe, so I sob my foot and went back to the shoes.

Don't know for how many time I will have to wear the shoes but I can't help it, even I will need to use them doing sparring, do some of you guys use the shoes to do sparring?

I think that shoes might be dangerous during contact sparring. Rubber cuts skin easily. We use shoes for training, then remove them for sparring.

It's good that you are able to trian despite your injury, though I tend to worry about the safety of others during sparring.
If I don't use the shoes I will be in disadvantage cause I can't use my left foot to kick and if I have to doit I will hurt myself more. Last night I do some sparring against two youngster, nothing serius, just kick each other, I use the shoes without worrying about cutting sking with them, I must say one of the kids was wearing his tkd shoes too and the only diference I see of kicking with the shoes doing sparring is that my instep and toes were well protected and I felt confortably kicking with them, yes, the tkd shoes slow me down a bit for the traction they give in the matt but I could deliver two or three good kicks cause I was covering myself for the kicks of the kids.

Manny to help you turn with the shoe's, take some baby powder to the bottom of the shoes it help and does not hurt the mats.
Manny to help you turn with the shoe's, take some baby powder to the bottom of the shoes it help and does not hurt the mats.

You mean to put baby's powder in the sole, outside sole of the shoes to break some of the friction? cool I will do it next time, thanx a lot amigo.


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