i didnt mention cardio at all, or suggest that it was the only thing. you dont actually need any fitness above base line to train ma, as is clear from the number of people who train it at little above base line
my point was more that you need a fairly high level of fitness in order to fight someone with a good level of fitness, ONE very important component of that fitness is high intensity over a few minutes, how many mins ? , dont know 2,3,4,5 , ? best to train at the top side, if its only an investment of 10 mins of your time, two or three times a week
im really struggling to understand, the level of your objection to this, it seems a fairly obvious conclusion to reach, it does seem to go against the ethos of some ma, that a high degree of physical condition isnt necessary or even desirable,
it wasnt always such, it seems to have crept in in the last 25 years or so, in the 70s and 80s ma would absolutely hammer you with physical conditioning,, way back then that vid has nothing on the work out my kung fu training demanded..the only thing that seems to have changed is the demographic they tend to attract ?