Share your greatest song or lyric???

Jenna, I have no idea why, but that made me think of Early Bob Dylan, I can't remember the song, but when it comes to me I will post it.

Heard this the other day, and it sounded rather powerful to me, never really liked the original much, but this one hit me

It was 85F in Seattle today. A few of my favorites from the drive home. I like them because they're all a little bit happy and a little bit not.

Amy winehouse is a real loss. She was a true talent. On an iPad, so I'll let the music speak for itself.

@ballen0351, you right Adele set the pace for this kind of singing.. Guess there must be some thing in it for so many cover versions to exist right? so you do not listen to much no pop/r&b would you let me know what else you listen to so I can share you one back? you got a favourite maybe?


@Xue Sheng, Bob Dylan eh? I would guess if it remind you of him it would be this right?

Disturbed is a different turn of pace.. never heard this version I would have a soft spot for the old hippie version.. Like this a lot though, powerful is good choice of word for it.. is belted out with heart thank you for sharing.. I was awake with it! :) can I waken you up? its been a long time coming.. haha


@Steve, 85deg wow that is nice for now! Loving your driving home mix going on here! I can picture that very clearly :) thank you.. you have far to drive? what else you listen to?? I do not know these songs so it is nice to look them up and add to playlists.. I wonder do you have an open mind to some thing different? This is not english so I do not know how it would sound.. papa ou t'es is like dad where are u.. is favourite therapeutic of mine :) if you can listen through it might sound like some thing.. x

maybe you are not one for 'foreign' so I will make amends since I am really enjoying your Delta spirit and the Sylvan esso - I had not heard either of these before.. thank you.. I liked the video for this.. I cannot see videos here so I have to look up the music elsewhere and but I know I like this and maybe you might also :)

Amy winehouse was a paragon on her game.. she stands now as a sad tale of how paltry the worlds offerings are truly I think..

I have a soft spot for lyrics that tell a story from history:

For example, Levon Helm covering Randy Newman's song about Huey Long

Mark Knopfler has some excellent songs in that vein:

This one isn't really about any specific historical event, but it paints an impressionistic picture of times gone by.
I liked the video for this.. I cannot see videos here so I have to look up the music elsewhere and but I know I like this and maybe you might also :)

I liked the video for this.. I cannot see videos here so I have to look up the music elsewhere and but I know I like this and maybe you might also :)
I was just lukewarm about the actual song, but the video was entertaining enough to keep me watching to the end.
@Jenna, I like that song, and have no problem enjoying music that I can't understand. I remember a Turkish hip hop artist named Sultana. Really enjoy her song Cerkez Kizi (although I have no idea what it means or is about and could very well mean, "Americans are jerks." :)).

I plugged Stromae into Pandora and it's produced some interesting results. Currently playing Indila, "Boite En Argent." So far, it's hit and miss on this Pandora station. Some are a little pop/electronica for me, but others I'm enjoying very much.

Another band I like to listen to at work is Beats Antique. They're an American band, but are like a contemporary take on belly dancing music, which I enjoy. I guess technically, they're a little off the topic of the thread, as they are mostly lyric free. A couple of my favorites are below:

@Jenna You got it, that was the Bob Dylan I was thinking of.

And to shift gears a bit I will leave you with 2 pieces my youngest is currently working on

Shostakovich Prelude No. 5 in D major, Op. 34

Rachmaninoff Prelude in g-sharp minor, Op.32 No.12 Allegro
@Tony Dismukes, hey thank you for posting those.. your favourite love song! wow I love that you and your wife share that together.. I can imagine you too together! I hope you dance too!! it is a happy scene indeed :) see this is exactly it for me.. it is essentially what music is to me.. like it is so good for sharing! :) I like those stories too.. I had not heard of Huey Long and but now I have read he is one of those that ploughed his own trail often contrary to what was sanctioned and then hardly surprising they had to take him out.. I think I see some of you in this song thank you :) and were you Dire straits fan at any stage prior also? Mark Knopfler is one of those voices is easy to listen to right? I would like to share you one back.. It is little sad story I am sorry and only make reference to an historical character that not every body know about though I heard of the holiday for him when I lived in America some years ago.. Hope you like this singer there is some thing about him for me.. :)


@Steve, thank you for listening to those! am grateful :) I like how your music tastes reflect well it is what I imagine of you.. it is an unorthodoxy.. Sultana? is interesting and curious in equal measure you like this as I might not have thought.. do you hear this music locally where you are? It is cosmopolitan where you are I think if they airplay that on your local radio :) That song is of the Circassian girls it is like a folklore.. Loving that Beats antique it is music to get down to haha I like so much that we are leftfield with those songs.. sounds like a lot of different elements going on in there I can even hear traditional horns also thank you for putting this my way.. could listen to this easily and am going to see what I can get of them. I am not surprised you do not go too poppy I think you are too smart for that.. what can you listen to Steve when you are happy or need cheered??

This reminds me of lot of things life and home.. I like every thing about this


@Xue Sheng, yay I scored a point for Dylan?? and wow your little miss she is mightily nimble at the keyboard and has achieved at quite a high level to be playing these! maybe she is not so young as I imagined?? It is lovely to hear she is pianist too! I do so love that you are proud pops and not afraid to show it! x :) I do not know if you like that style of music at all just for listening to your self??? If so, here is one for you this is one of the first pieces I taught to my son.. my only ever patriotic act :)


@ballen0351, I think that is a most poignant and clever little song, thank you for putting it up.. you have me listening several times over. Well you are just a big enigma to me ha.. you cannot be figured out eh :) well I send you one back in case you might listen.. I think some songs are just well written and make sense.. I still would like to know more of what else you like to listening to??


This is a funky, cool song, and if the translations I've found of the lyrics are somewhat accurate, it's apropos to be sharing this on an internet forum. :)
@Xue Sheng, Oh I wonder what are those memories are XS, happy ones yes? yikes Tom Waits tell me XS I have my fingers crossed is somehow connected with ok memories for you and not terrible ones!! Tell me happy memories?? there must be some! :)

I can share you one back?? Like why do I even share this? Just I do not really understand it and but I think it is totally strange and awesome from start to finish and everything in between! I am even singing as I type ha.. You know this? Is awesome right?? :)


@Tames D, you know it make me smile to know you like this lovely lovely song TD! because I like it too!! is just gorgeous version thank you for posting up :) x Sshhh.. like there is nobody come round here no more and but you never know.. some one who do, they may think you are gone sentimental!! quick hit the emergency Iron Maiden button!! :D goodness I am just thinking this is ooooold thread old like me pffft.. I will do another thread in Greek would be easier for me now haha.. hey I can share you one for one?? say yes! say yes to me :) like some time i cannot even hear this without a tear.. no not some time.. all of the time.. x


@Steve, oh wow yes! I love her Brittany howard!!! I have seen them first on Jools Holland and think she is just incredible and they have won awards you know! so you are not alone to think she is awesome either! thank yo ufor sharing this.. and hey Amy Winehouse yes you know lot of people try to help her even Russell Brand I remember and but well.. some we cannot ever get to.. and maybe can you say if there is any reason this song out of all?? And maybe I can send one back you would be ok with that.. Lisa Gerrard you probably know from one thing and another.. this song rises and falls.. is beautiful I think..

@Xue Sheng, Oh I wonder what are those memories are XS, happy ones yes? yikes Tom Waits tell me XS I have my fingers crossed is somehow connected with ok memories for you and not terrible ones!! Tell me happy memories?? there must be some! :)

I can share you one back?? Like why do I even share this? Just I do not really understand it and but I think it is totally strange and awesome from start to finish and everything in between! I am even singing as I type ha.. You know this? Is awesome right?? :)

Happy memories, some from way back when the song was still fairly new and a friend of mine who was a big Tom Waits fan. And others from much later of a woman I use to date who was also a big Tom Waits fan.

I have always liked that song by the talking heads... and have used that hand chopping down the arm towards the hand gesture saying "the same as it ever was" on multiple occasions at only the appropriate momments
@Xue Sheng, yay for sharing happy memories!! oh I will not ask about woman you used to date in case there be a Mrs XS be looking haha.. still it is nice to know that you have memories and Tom Waits reminds you? He is scary I think.. misery is the river of the world.. I have this in my head.. you know this?? Oh this hand gesture I look it up he say he took some inspiration from Japanese dancing maybe.. and so you would do this same action to mean something?? there is appropriate and not appropriate moments for this?
I can send you some thing for driving in the car haha..


@Tames D, Haha you like this?? is just for a joke?? if you like this then I like that you like it haha.. where do you know this can I ask?? is song about the drum like turkish drum? haha.. you can tell me what it is :) odd that most popular songs on the radio in bars are in English like same every where full of English speaking artists.. is a shame maybe.. guess that is big music commerce.. there are of course native songs wherever you are.. you just have to get in the right taxi to hear haha..

I send you some thing else.. hear this a lot around here every where lately.. like Showtek be my jumprope goto anyway..

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