@Tony Dismukes, hey thank you for posting those.. your favourite love song! wow I love that you and your wife share that together.. I can imagine you too together! I hope you dance too!! it is a happy scene indeed
see this is exactly it for me.. it is essentially what music is to me.. like it is so good for sharing!
I like those stories too.. I had not heard of Huey Long and but now I have read he is one of those that ploughed his own trail often contrary to what was sanctioned and then hardly surprising they had to take him out.. I think I see some of you in this song thank you
and were you Dire straits fan at any stage prior also? Mark Knopfler is one of those voices is easy to listen to right? I would like to share you one back.. It is little sad story I am sorry and only make reference to an historical character that not every body know about though I heard of the holiday for him when I lived in America some years ago.. Hope you like this singer there is some thing about him for me..
@Steve, thank you for listening to those! am grateful
I like how your music tastes reflect well it is what I imagine of you.. it is an unorthodoxy.. Sultana? is interesting and curious in equal measure you like this as I might not have thought.. do you hear this music locally where you are? It is cosmopolitan where you are I think if they airplay that on your local radio
That song is of the Circassian girls it is like a folklore.. Loving that Beats antique it is music to get down to haha I like so much that we are leftfield with those songs.. sounds like a lot of different elements going on in there I can even hear traditional horns also thank you for putting this my way.. could listen to this easily and am going to see what I can get of them. I am not surprised you do not go too poppy I think you are too smart for that.. what can you listen to Steve when you are happy or need cheered??
This reminds me of lot of things life and home.. I like every thing about this
@Xue Sheng, yay I scored a point for Dylan?? and wow your little miss she is mightily nimble at the keyboard and has achieved at quite a high level to be playing these! maybe she is not so young as I imagined?? It is lovely to hear she is pianist too! I do so love that you are proud pops and not afraid to show it! x
I do not know if you like that style of music at all just for listening to your self??? If so, here is one for you this is one of the first pieces I taught to my son.. my only ever patriotic act
@ballen0351, I think that is a most poignant and clever little song, thank you for putting it up.. you have me listening several times over. Well you are just a big enigma to me ha.. you cannot be figured out eh
well I send you one back in case you might listen.. I think some songs are just well written and make sense.. I still would like to know more of what else you like to listening to??