Shaolin Kempo Karate

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Yeah that's why I think USSD should not let people who are yellow and orange belts into their academy. I think they should wait until someone has at least made it to brown.

I've never seen it that bad, now somebody being handed a black belt to wear for a couple of months while they run a school and then get rushed and tested, yeah, I've seen that first hand. It's things like that really affect ones perception of the system (see how I'm trying to get back on topic ;) ).
I've never seen it that bad, now somebody being handed a black belt to wear for a couple of months while they run a school and then get rushed and tested, yeah, I've seen that first hand. It's things like that really affect ones perception of the system (see how I'm trying to get back on topic ;) ).

Once again, It's not the SYSTEM (SKK), It's the ORGANIZATION (ussd) that is the offender. Please, stop replacing the individuals that make the business decisions, for the system of SKK.
I train in shaolin kempo karate under grandmaster fred villari. I am dedicated to the system and the longer i train the more i am amazed by it. Many people though talk badly of villari and his system. I dont understand this. Is it cause they saw a villari student who was a little more then less then perfect? I would like to know what others think about villari and his system.

Again, To get back to the real topic of the thread, which is not about USSD's business practices, here are the original questions above.
Once again, It's not the SYSTEM (SKK), It's the ORGANIZATION (ussd) that is the offender. Please, stop replacing the individuals that make the business decisions, for the system of SKK.

I think you took what I said out of context. I was saying that if somebody is at a school that teaches SKK, watches such things happening, it's going to affect their view of the system, right or wrong, it's still going to happen.
I think you took what I said out of context. I was saying that if somebody is at a school that teaches SKK, watches such things happening, it's going to affect their view of the system, right or wrong, it's still going to happen.

I understand that. However, I and others on here have been attempting to focus those who are misguided. They are now aware of the truth, any further sniping in that context, is now being done, strictly to be inflamatory. Enough is Enough, please.
[Originally Posted by coldsteel87
I train in shaolin kempo karate under grandmaster fred villari. I am dedicated to the system and the longer i train the more i am amazed by it. Many people though talk badly of villari and his system. I dont understand this. Is it cause they saw a villari student who was a little more then less then perfect? I would like to know what others think about villari and his system.

Well i will try to get this on track. People talk badly of Villari's because he was one of the first to truly franchise MA. when i say truly, he must of had 300 schools at one time i believe. Anyone who puts out that many schools is going to get some grief. For awhile he was doing exactly what USSD is doing now, putting unqualified people into schools for cash on the spot franchises. He seems to of learned from his mistakes and is taking efforts of being more careful now. It is easy to make some a tracer - but it takes years to become an artist. Students catch up to their teacher pretty fast if all the teacher is doing is tracing and retracing to their students. The top original students and fighters at Villari's were tough in your face martial artists. Others are mad because he promoted himself to 10th degree from 2nd, but these same people who were mad did nothing about it. Why? I think because people new that GM Villari was a tough fighter and no one wanted to take a shot at him.
In Peace,
And, because, they did the same thing for themselves.

Seriously, people that knew, and still disliked him admitted that he was good.

As for the original question (thanks RevIV), People talk badly based on very old animosity, of which, they really had nothing to do with, just carrying on old arguments, passed on from their people. Which was, taking the martial arts main stream, and making lot's of money. Later, the accusers have done the same thing. From there, all of the further animosity with the newer accusers is based on divying up the business, and money. IMHO, it's just greed, and playing the marketing game. Really sad!
From the stories i have heard as well as any of you SKK people who have been in it long enough, they were bad people at times. When you do bad things to people they tend to remember you and talk about it.
Why? I think because people new that GM Villari was a tough fighter and no one wanted to take a shot at him.
In Peace,

Or they didn't want to bother with a law suit. Villari may have been tough, but there were plenty of martial artists that no one went to go beat up back then. Why did no one go beat up Elvis Pressley? Because he was too tough? Where is Villari's fight record? Where are the stories of his prowess in the streets? Aside from the machete attacks, are there any stories anyone can share of Villari fighting anyone?
Or they didn't want to bother with a law suit. Villari may have been tough, but there were plenty of martial artists that no one went to go beat up back then. Why did no one go beat up Elvis Pressley? Because he was too tough? Where is Villari's fight record? Where are the stories of his prowess in the streets? Aside from the machete attacks, are there any stories anyone can share of Villari fighting anyone?

you seriously crack me up. Law suits in the late 60's early 70's? please, thats when men were men and took a licking if deserved and did not go cry to mommy if they were threatened or beat up. Fight record? If this were what proved a system then we win here too. All I have to say is Prof. Ingargiolla of SHAOLIN self defense. You ask any east coaster who knew GM Villari in the early 70's and they will tell you that no one wanted to mess with him. And for Elvis - I did not know he claimed anything that wasnt given to him - or that he started his own system. Would you like to share some of Sijo Emperado's stories on this public forum?
In Peace,
you seriously crack me up. Law suits in the late 60's early 70's? please, thats when men were men and took a licking if deserved and did not go cry to mommy if they were threatened or beat up. Fight record? If this were what proved a system then we win here too. All I have to say is Prof. Ingargiolla of SHAOLIN self defense. You ask any east coaster who knew GM Villari in the early 70's and they will tell you that no one wanted to mess with him. And for Elvis - I did not know he claimed anything that wasnt given to him - or that he started his own system. Would you like to share some of Sijo Emperado's stories on this public forum?
In Peace,

Hey just asking. I never heard of Prof. Igargiolla until this forum, so I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. The point was that people make unsubstantiated claims a lot with no evidence to back them up. I didn't come here making claims about Sijo Emperado being too tough for people to question, you did make such a claim about Villari so I thought you might have some personal information about his fighting prowess either in the ring or street etc. If you don't have any such tales to tell, then what are you basing this on?
I have stories and i do not believe that they are all just fairy tales. Heck i know stories of you getting into it with students (not saying it bad just remembering a past post) these are stories and they show how a man stuck up for himself or was just a mean person who liked to fight. Unfortunetly when you put these stories out now a days they can come back to haunt you and you get sued. As far as Prof. Ingargiola is concerned he and his students have pro. and amatuer bouts in both grappling and kickboxing. one of his students just won an ISKA bout in CA. and is now on the WCL. He is a direct student of GM Villari. - I feel that i have been defending GM V. a lot here and i have never met the man. in fact most stories i hear of him are not even good ones that you should be proud of. What i am proud of is my martial arts. may it be, GGM Gascon, SGM Pesare - both of whom i know and call friends, Villari or my first instructor to whom i can attribute my love for the arts for. I dont know. All of these people created a path and i keep trying to honor them by continuing to forge that path.
In Peace
First off let me say that I met FV a lot and he's really nice. So is Mattera. I wouldn't mess with either of them. They are scary. Mattera is a smart business man while Villari has Grupposo do everything business wise. Being nice to your face though doesn't mean they have to like you. That's my point. Next is WCL the karate version of the IFL?
Or they didn't want to bother with a law suit. Villari may have been tough, but there were plenty of martial artists that no one went to go beat up back then. Why did no one go beat up Elvis Pressley? Because he was too tough? Where is Villari's fight record? Where are the stories of his prowess in the streets? Aside from the machete attacks, are there any stories anyone can share of Villari fighting anyone?

I don't remember the thread, but I do remember reading a post by Prof. Shuras in which he said that there were a few guys that did challenge GM Villari and got owned, so challengers started thinking twice about fighting him.
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