SGM Ed Parker, and his movies

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Originally posted by cdhall

This would be the Press Kit for the Perfect Weapon. I copied it when I saw it in college. It has clips, a different angle on the "mugging" scene, interviews with SGM and Mr. Speakman and Mr. Parker showing off the Ring Elvis had made for him... right?

That one?

I'll see if I can find my copy and check into the legalities of passing it around...:rolleyes:
I would love a copy if you can manage it.
Originally posted by Seig

I would love a copy if you can manage it.

Yeah, I'll just bet you do, You just wanna peak at Mariksa, you dirty old man!:eek:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7


Well, if I were in West Virginia, I'd lie like that too! Besides, he know's if his wife reads this, he's Road Kill!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Well, if I were in West Virginia, I'd lie like that too! Besides, he know's if his wife reads this, he's Road Kill!:eek:
nah, i would not be road kill. She'd know the truth of my statement!:mad:
Originally posted by cdhall

SGM Parker is listed twice in the IMDB, between them I think they list all his titles. I think I posted this elsewhere, but I can not find it.,+Ed+(II)

Ed Parker (II)
Birth name
Edmund Kealoha Parker
Date of birth (location)
19 March 1931
Date of death (details)
15 December 1990,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (heart attack)
Instructed Elvis Presley in the martial arts. ... (show more)
Actor - filmography
(1980s) (1970s) (1960s)
1. Curse of the Pink Panther (1983) .... Mr. Chong
2. Kill the Golden Goose (1979)
... aka Kill the Golden Ninja (1979)
3. Seven (1979) .... Ed Parker
4. Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) (uncredited) .... Mr. Chong
5. Seabo (1977)
... aka Buckstone County Prison (1977) (USA)
6. Money Jungle, The (1968)
7. Secret Door, The (1962) (uncredited)
... aka Now It Can Be Told (1962)

and here,+Edmund+K.

Edmund K. Parker Sr.
Miscellaneous crew - filmography
Perfect Weapon, The (1991) (kenpo technical advisor)

Mr. Parker Jr is listed here FYI,+Ed

Ed Parker Jr.
Actor - filmography
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) .... Ed Parker

I imagine you may have some difficulty finding all of the movies with SGM Parker for sale... :(
I rented "Kill the Golden Goose" on video years ago. I told Mr. Swan and all he said was "I'm sorry."
There may be no "serious ones" :eek:

Hey you left out...

A guide for Parents, Karate for your Children
w/ L Tatum. Hosted by SGM Ed Parker (circa 1982)
I happened to catch an episode of the Rockford Files recently where the "bad guy" is in a karate school working out. Poorly. The phone rings and SGM Ed Parker, with the patch on the Gi, walks in frame, answers the phone and says "It's for you." No Kenpo though. There was a Bruce Lee bio-type program on AMC last weekend, primarily about The Game of Death and the way it was supposed to be. Dan Inosanto finishes off one guy with Dance of Death. Pretty cool. Even the narration correctly identified the technique as Dance of Death.

Originally posted by headkick

I happened to catch an episode of the Rockford Files recently where the "bad guy" is in a karate school working out. Poorly. The phone rings and SGM Ed Parker, with the patch on the Gi, walks in frame, answers the phone and says "It's for you." No Kenpo though. There was a Bruce Lee bio-type program on AMC last weekend, primarily about The Game of Death and the way it was supposed to be. Dan Inosanto finishes off one guy with Dance of Death. Pretty cool. Even the narration correctly identified the technique as Dance of Death.


Yeah, it's got the full extension on as well with all the head stomps at the end!

Well, extension for me, our lower belts only go as far as the trip and groin strike, turning them over and adding the ending comes at black belt level.

If any of you guys are into DVDs then the Game of Death SE which comes on 2 DVDs is excellent, there's an extra called 'Game of Death Revisited' which is the original ending using loads of extra footage found in the Golden Harvest cellars in 1999, much longer and with lots of fighting philisophy.

There's also a 45 minute JKD seminar with Danny Inosanto showning some kali stick stuff and other bits and pieces.

Hey Doug,

I actually bought this same Ed Parker video from the same company on Ebay. On ebay it sells for $50 and up!!!! But luckily now they have it on their website selling for MUCH less.

I bought it several months ago and was very pleased. You asked about the quality? Its definitely not the best, but what do you expect from a 1970's home video where the guy had to hide his camera? (they were not technically allowed at the tournament). So its not great quality, but has been edited, as far as I can tell, for improvement as best as can be done with modern technology.

Its a great video to have if you have a Bruce Lee collection as I do. Its extremely rare and not many people out there sell it. That is why it is so expensive and why I did not mind paying $50 for it.

There are actually 2 versions of the same footage being sold out there so watch out. This company "" has the better version.
There were 2 different people at the tournament who brought cameras and taped it. One was a crappy camera and thus the footage is VERY blurry and fuzzy. (i know because i bought that several years ago). And that one does not have the Wing-Chun footage as the better quality version does. So if you find an advertisement out there for a LongBeach Tournament video that doesn't have the wing-chun version, i recommend not to buy it.

I hope that clears up any questions on that video.
Hope this helps,

ditto to everything SmileyKat said. i guess i should have said more about the video's quality and stuff when i posted the place to get it.

a friend of mine has that crappy version you were talking about Smiley, and it definitely sucks compared to mine!

I am pretty sure that video cameras were very Rare and Bulky so I wanted to know if anyone really had the footage. It was very likely shot on film. Especially if they had to sneak the camera in.
I guess it has sound?

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