Seven Star praying Mantis


White Belt
Hello, I am new Martial Talk and looking for information on 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu
I am showing for my 4 th Dan I'm 2 months in Shotakan/Tai Kwon do. I studied 7 star back in 1998 to 2003 and currently relearning the forms for my 4 th degree test.
In the school I trained in we were taught Tui Jin ( I believe it was the 2nd form we learned) after Tam Toi.
It was very hard to find this form. Can someone tell me about this form?
The first part of the test should be showing that you actually know how to spell the name of the art. It's Tae Kwon Do.
Your instructor needs to show you the forms you're supposed know.
Hello, I am new Martial Talk and looking for information on 7 Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu
I am showing for my 4 th Dan I'm 2 months in Shotakan/Tai Kwon do. I studied 7 star back in 1998 to 2003 and currently relearning the forms for my 4 th degree test.
In the school I trained in we were taught Tui Jin ( I believe it was the 2nd form we learned) after Tam Toi.
It was very hard to find this form. Can someone tell me about this form?
Is Tam Toi = Tan Tui? Many praying mantis systems use Tan Tui to build up foundation.

Don't know what Tui Jin (leg strength?) is.

Haha 😂 that is too funny! Yes you are correct I should know how to spell it!
I'm wondering if it was a supplemental form of a different style? It is very short form that would that was a nice break after learning Tan Tui.
I have found a couple videos of the form but no information on it.
Is Tam Toi = Tan Tui? Many praying mantis systems use Tan Tui to build up foundation.

Don't know what Tui Jin (leg strength?) is.

Yes, thank you for the video it confirms that I relearned the correct form.
After practicing and relearning all these forms I realize how much I miss the style.